Long Burn Time on Pioneer 106 DVD Burner


New member
Hi, I'm new to DVD and this Forum - I have recently installed the above burner to my PC after a few problems of which this forum helped to fix most of them.

I am burning a DVD-R with NeroVision Express 2 - to my surprise it has taken over 6 hours to burn. Is this normal?

Due to the size of the file the software reduced the quality to fit it on the disk and I am unsure if this the reason for the 6+ hours to burn.

I have burnt CDs successfully in 5-10 mins, but this is my first DVD.

+ I am still trying to get use to the disk formats - Can I use DVD+RW in this burner?

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere but I could not see it.

Great forum. :confused:
You can use dvdrw with your pioneer.Six hours is too long so nero is probably converting it to fit onto a dvdr disc for you.Give our tutorials a read on how to do this better.Using better software than nero for dvds.