Logic Audio 5.2 patch?

Yes that's right, but... it's a non working hoax patch!
We all waiting for the zone or paradox release right?
This will be in 2 or 3 days... Thanks.

ok Milennium thanks ill delete the post then. jkat:cool: btw dont u just love the insults on ss:D
What you mean about "love the insults"?
Is it about Logic and Apple?
All i can say is that Apple has a more stable system for Audio.
Most studios using Apple. (i use atari & pc)
insults :)

:D sorry Milennium didnt mean to upset u or get into argument about wether lap/mac etc is any better, its just some of the insults on ss are funny including those about other apps. Besides I also use lap but have no experience with mac, but the motorola based cpu should be more stable than any pc cpu (no 650k memory limit), also lap audio engine is the best soundin to my ears but havent tried sx yet:) nor pro tools. anyway good luck searchin for patch I will up it if I find it. cheers jkat:cool:
Dear jkat,
Allready dloaded the patch, and it's not working (blank windows).
You are right about some insults on the ss forum.
These a.w. forums are very hard to find. (maybe you got some fine links?)
You maybe know this will be the last pc-version of LAP,
and we will all waiting for this final last release.
I'll inform you here...