live update problem

my symantec antivirus corp version 8 say there are no products on this machine that can be updated by LiveUpdate. What does this suppose to mean?? I even reinstalled the antivirus...but still say the same. Must be some registry files...if so, even the corp version expire?? It only been installed for a few months.
Try for a clean install: uninstall and use a program like JV16 PTs to delete all refs to Norton and Symantec from the registry.

I recall that getting rid of the log registers for Corporate was particularly difficult and bolluxed-up all other Symantec installations subseqently.
i needed to repartition my hd so i reformatted it.

the problem, i figured out, is that liveupdate does not recognized that the antivirus is installed on the computer. I ran the liveupdate with the anitvirus uninstalled & got the same error message. I dont exactly know how the liveupdate keeps tracks of what's on the computer & such, but that was the problem. maybe some other program...interfered with it...