LiteOn not writing DAO with Nero PLEASE HELP

I was trying to write a few MP3s to CD yesterday and Nero told me that my writer isn't compatible with Disk At Once and it needed a 2 second gap between the first and second track. What's going on?????
Also what is the best Writing Software to use with this writer?
and Nero told me that my writer isn't compatible with Disk At Once and it needed a 2 second gap between the first and second track. What's going on?????
-bruh, it's not your burner...if u choose DAO in Nero ...u have to put a 2 sec. lead in gap prior to track 1...not between tracks 1 & 2
I have the LiteOn 24x and I burn all my VCD's with Nero with DAO turned on with no probs at all. It only ever complains if I dont tick the Close Disk option.


You always need a 2 second starting gap.
This gap isn´t between the first and the second track, this gap is in front of the the first track.

Sorry Pokopiko but Nero does a good job for this problem.

(When we are talking about nero then i am with NB :D )