Gotta put this SOMEWHERE
The NEWEST will always present problems. My drive is a Jan item. It if runs with EVERYTHING right now, anything else is INCOMPATIBILITY with other software!
What a mess I had. I think putting 2 CDs in the drive blew it, rattle rattle, like I did with the old old 4X. Must have blew the CD sensor.
Friday/Sunday TRIED the CenDyne-CenDyne Lightening 52X. Crashed the system on bootup. Returned.
Had to walk and no sale but got a REAL LiteOn today. Made in China, Jan 2003. LTR-52246S, firmware 6S04. Smart-Burn. Smart-X, Mt Rainier support. 52-24-52. Sounds like broads from DRINKING days. All I know is I plugged it in and it WORKS.
WinMe and NTI CD Maker Deluxe, Record Now Max and Clone recognized it AOK, all worked fine today. Burned half a spindle of CDs! Didn’t even have time to do my doodling/enjoy coffee in between burns. NO music files. No NERO even though included.
I have no idea what was with the CenDyne Lightening but on a CD-ROM forum someone had an Asus w/the same number and system malfunctioning (CDW-5224a?). Logged on there and plenty drive PROBLEMS by message titles. Guess I did good with the LiteOn-LiteOn (not 3rd party name) today except no sale price. I am slipping!