Liteon 32123s

I have a Liteon 32123s CDRW and would like to know what software you use to backup your PC Games.

The reason I ask is I used to use CloneCD but I haven't backuped any games in 9 months or so (except 1)so I'm a bit behind the times.
I did try Alcohol 120% the other day to backup Sims Hot date for the wife but it didn't work, even though I used ClonyXXL to determin it was a SD v2 protection and I used to default settings for SD2 in Alcohol.

Well please just tell me what Software you use and what settings so I can get used to it all again.

Thanx in advance :D
Si..Take a look at Stone_burner's tutorials in the cdr backup section.They have helped many people out!;)