Lite-On 411S: Please Insert Blank Disc


New member
I have a Lite-On 411S. Everything I have read about it sounds great except I can't seem to burn DVD's. I can read and burn CD's. I can read DVD's. But when I try to burn a DVD (several different ways) I consistantly get a message telling me that the DVD is either not blank or "please insert a blank disc". I have Nero, and DVD Shrink. Read negative comments about Roxio (and agree), but also noticed it states support for 411S. I'd hate to spend another $80 dollars on more sofware, and I am not sure why I can't get it to work without buying specific burning software. I have tried different brands of DVD's. I have read the faqs and newbies and tried that stuff. I am currently at ASPI 4.6 (been to 4.7 and back again per FAQ). My device manager thinks it's a CD drive (don't know if that matters, using Microsoft file version 5.00.2195.6655). I'm a software developer weenie and a newbie hardware weenie, so any help is appreciated.

- Tom Mc


New member
I am trying to burn DVD+R Memorex and Verbatim. It was my understanding that the drive could handle DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, CD-R, and CD-RW. Was this incorrect? Or does it handles some better than others?


New member
Yep, did that too. Forgot to mention it earlier. I'm at FS0J. Could it be the way I have it slaved? Someone else installed it, but I could probably find docs on it. It burns CD's fine.

make sure you're using the latest version of nero. also, if you have an nforce2 motherboard, make sure you're not using the nvidia IDE drivers.