Lite-on 40125S / Datasafe incompatible

Drive: Lite-on 40125S
Firmware: ZS0P

Media: Datasafe Media 80 minute "Multi-Speed"

Nero Cd-Speed Info:
Manufacturer: Ritek
Recording Layer: Dye Type 2; Long Strategy (Cyanine, AZO)

Bought from the UK from (SVP blanks)
£15.50 for 100.

Burnt a disc and checked it using the Scandisc surface scan feature of Nero Cd Speed (which i do when i switch media). Came up around 50/50 good/unreadable.
Updated my firmware to the newest version (as stated above). Same problems, tried different disc images/files etc.

Have also had problems with other Datasafe in the past - seems strange as i'm sure others must use them. Having said that, the discs burn fine and you can browse them o.k. But an VCD, for example, was very very corrupted - as was audio playback on a standalone cd player.

Not sure whether the disc's "Double Protection System" has any influence on the problems when burning?
Hi bro Got the same drive here but never used the above media.
I tend to stick to 1 of 2 brands miself. In the next 2weeks I'll see if I can obtain the above brand and see if I get any problems...and report back to ya.:)
Used many of that media for films and audio. only get about 1 in 100 coaster.
dont use a liteon tho but i know many people who have the same setup as you with no problems.
Ritek discs are not all the same. They make discs for many other companies, and some seem to be consistently better, some consistantly worse. The ones they make for TDK seem to be better than some of the others. TDK has always said that Ritek implements special QC measures for them. I've never had a complete coaster with the TDK/Ritek discs, although I have had some damaged (Nero CD Speed) sectors with a LiteOn burner.

probably the most popu;ar discs in the uk. the dye has been changed a few times tho. the latest blue type seems to be great.
Yeah i'm sure i would have heard of problems seeing as they are so widely used here.
Some things just aren't meant to be i suppose.


Agree with NoSpam... the TDK-Ritek's are of a higher quality than the standard Ritek's. As I've been told by a TDK rep... TDK requires certain qualities in the die layers and manufacturing from Ritek, because TDK guaranties them for life.

Still, the Taiyo Yuden-TDK's were superior media... only wished I'd bought more when I had the chance :(