"list index out of bounds (0)"

Can someone help me please with this problem :
"list index out of bounds (0)"
when i want to backup a 7,5 gb dvd.

thx in advance,

Immi :confused:
It's a VB runtimes error.
You may like to reinstall VB6 runtimes (come packed with XP, but for some reason they may have been corrupted) and see waht happens.
i've already installed vb6 runtime.
but the problem is not solved.
I've also reinstalled windows xp 3 times.
but no luck, don't know what to do now.
Any sugestions ???.

thx in advance,

Immi :confused:
hi scarecrow

yes i'm ussing an offical ic7.
2 weeks ago everything worked fine, then my pc crashed and i
installed back windows xp prof.
And from that time i get everytime this error.

thx in advance

Immi :confused:
Also using an official IC7, on XP SP1, 2000SP2 and a virtual WinME machine (VMWare) and never encounterd this...
I strongly suspect it should be a problem with your default locales and OS... are you using English OS, or something else?
hi scarecrow,

i'm using a dutch version.
i'v tried all kind of things but no luck :mad: .
And i tried dvd2one and everything was ok.
But i wanted to backup also the menus and this is not possible with

many thx for your reply's


Not sure that the prog fully supports dutch locales/OS... the problem may be just this.
If any other member using dutch OS can use IC7 succesfully, plz let us know. else you must contact Pinnacle support (suxy-I know...) and ask if IC7 has issues with locales which aren't directly supported.
this error is normally because something is missing from the DVD

how have you ripped the complete DVD?

have you been modifying the DVD in anyway after ripping?

when does the error occur, is it after you have chosen the source/destination and click Start?

all I can suggest for now is to try ripping the complete DVD using DVDDecrypter in FILEMODE and make sure you select all files and IC should accept the DVD

in DVDDecrypter, you can set it to automatically select all files by clicking Tools, Settings and then the File Mode tab. There is an option called On Startup: Select Files, just change it to All

:EDIT: didn't notice the (0) in the brackets, so maybe I'm just talking rubbish as normally it's higher than 0 when it's missing info :)

just in case anyone comes across the latest version's List Index Out Of Bounds (-1) error due to VOB ID removal the fix is HERE
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New member
immi said:
Can someone help me please with this problem :
"list index out of bounds (0)"
when i want to backup a 7,5 gb dvd.

thx in advance,

Immi :confused:
When i ran into this problem, i backed down on the amount of info being
put onto the disc. Once i got the amount below 4.37 gb, i was able to use the 4.7 gb disc. Go figure!


This is outdated, but it was the closest topic to my problem, which is the List Index out of Bounds error in Instant Copy. I used IFOEdit to strip out some unwanted stuff and it worked OK according to Shrink, no "Unreferenced Material" but the deletion of the VTS_03.* files gave Instant Copy some hiccups. Tried to bring back in the VTS_03.IFO, BUP, and _0.VOB and re-encode with shrink. Will edit to see if it worked.

Edit: nope. There has to be a way to do this. I've been working on this backup for 3 days now. I finally get the titles out that I don't want, the menus still in tact, and now I can't burn the damn disc!
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Now I'm trying to use IC 8 with IFOEditor to do the transcoding instead, but I had to rip a new set of files cause the old ones were mixed and matched and all hacked up from my editing :D. I guess I want to get the complicated backups down pat so I know how to handle situations in the future. This is still my first backup, 5 discs and 4 days in the making. It seems like no one talks of IFO Editing anymore. Am I missing something?
tredragon said:
Now I'm trying to use IC 8 with IFOEditor to do the transcoding instead, but I had to rip a new set of files cause the old ones were mixed and matched and all hacked up from my editing :D. I guess I want to get the complicated backups down pat so I know how to handle situations in the future. This is still my first backup, 5 discs and 4 days in the making. It seems like no one talks of IFO Editing anymore. Am I missing something?
try this link

use DVDStripper on this DVD to remove the crap you don't want. Maybe MenuModder will also work so you can disable any buttons to content removed ;)

if it's multiangle then it's best you untick everything first and then add the titles you wish to keep. Sometimes it's best to keep all the angles but you will soon learn how you can and can't strip the DVD

you can then feed it into any program you want afterwards to reduce it


yeah, that's all I want to do. The Matrix comes with about 5 titles that are the main movie, in various configurations I assume. For size/quality sake I want to remove all but the first title in VTS_02. But I want my menus to still work of course. Oh, and getting rid of all of the special features (VTS_03). I have IFOEditor getting me this stuff removed, but it seems that for some reason I can't remove all of the VOB ID's from VTS_03. There is still 228mb unreferenced material if I pull it up in Shrink to check it out. Removing all but one at least gave me new VOB files and reduced the unreferenced material down to a more liveable size but whether it will transcode in IC is another story.

Update: IC just doesn't like me or something I'm doing. I guess that's why you guys developed DVD Stripper/Menu Modder. Hey, I'll try anything if it works! I'll probably have a host of questions for you on that too though I'm sure... although I always search and seek to teach myself first. We shall see.

Update2: Starting to play with your Stripper ;) . If this accomplishes what I want to do, I'll definitely donate to the cause. I guess the earlier threads from last year that I was reading were pre-cursors to Stripper now that I think about it. I'll let you know how I think you guys did at taking IFO Editing to another level. I'm sure it's great.
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