Linux world domination in the near future?

If this becomes reality,I'll switch to Linux as my main os......
According to this webpage,we're not far away from Big Brother...:eek:
This is beyond imagination.......I hope Intel and M$ choke on it....
hmmmmmmmmmm the "INVASION OF PRIVACY LAW" would be implimented and dragged through the courts over and over the instant this idea goes live :)

Talk about wanting to control us !?

Methinks BILL GATES is going for that POWER TRIP bigtime !?


he tried this with the codes in pentium processors and was kicked in the nuts on the spot by the privacy laws !
I can envision contests for Linux newbies, where they will try to have a complete Debian system up and running in less than three months! :p
scarecrow said:
I can envision contests for Linux newbies, where they will try to have a complete Debian system up and running in less than three months! :p
how true, my friend! ;)

linux, while exhibiting a lot of promise for the future, is not really free. windows works well 'out of the box' and all the applications are written for it. the common linux desktop setup is a long way off for the average user.

as far as servers are concerned, when you calculate the time required to learn and configure a linux server of practically any kind compared to microsoft or novell, linux can actually be more costly. dns, dhcp, and even nat services are so much easier to set up and get running under ms and novell compared to linux. once you do learn it though linux is really stable and reliable. i have one nat server under linux that i don't even have a monitor or keyboard connected to and it has been working perfectly for almost two years with no problems.

as you say, i can't imagine when newbies will be able to set this up and use it. the linux distros have a long way to go before this happens.
Icant take my eyes of t0ucan's icon.hmmmmmmmm

Of course i agree micros***te is out for world domination

But then again for us 2 use new technolgy we have 2 sell our souls
Most business is out 4 more contorl, but i dont like the idea of my extensive mp3 catalouge being nuked by music industry.Instead of fighting us they should try & play fair & accept that their excess cant go on 4ever.With broadband becoming more accessible & file sharing progs we have what we want when we want.But there is a price & that is more control 4 companies over us.We already live in a big brother society(bit of a fan :)& a look at zonealarms logs show an endless list of people wanting 2 know U better:)

We're All Doomed I Say:);)

2 have good foundations U have 2 have CdrBase

I Sold My Soul Years Ago.It Was Worth It :)


Ps Im Drunk:):):)Soz
OK, not all Linux distros are Debian or Slack, of course...
Some of them like Mandrake, SuSE or Connectiva are very friendly, a full system can be up and running fairly easily, but getting acquainted with Linux needs some READING about Unix and its intricacies, and the majority of pee-cee users would prefer doing anything else than reading...
scarecrow,we will be forced to learn Linux,even if it means we have to start as total newbies.......yes,we can use win2k or xp or whatever for a few years more,but there will come a time that windows software is incompatible with those "old" operating systems......try to run the latest programs on win 3.1 or even win95 and you know what I mean.;)
On the other hand,Linux community will keep up with the latest technologies and doesn't want to kill your privacy rights..,so,it's obvious that they gain a lot of users within the next 5-10 years if this horror story comes true..