LG-CDRW on 157X(150kb/s).WORKS!!!!

I've upgraded LG CD-RW 8083B (4X4X32) to LG CD-RW
8080B (8x4x32). So far it worked corectly, wifout errors (3/480 CD's destroyed during 2 year use).But About 3 weeks ago when I installed new NERO
something strange happened.Suddenly i HAVE LG CD-RW working at 157 speed.You think it's silly?!
Me to.I thought that it's only some kind of nero error(mistake), but i tried to writed data on ISO format CD at "20 speed"(i got upgraded "4 speed")
some of about 50 MB of data (i changed nero buffor to load 80 MB to ram while starting writing the disc- avarythig was written from RAM which is, as you all know, a very vast comunication and transfer unit).Well. IT FU..... works!!!! The datat ware written!!!Only the lead out raported some error, but the CD Works. Who of you could explain that strange behaviour of my uncreadibly alien CD writer lifeform???HAAA Somwhen il experiment with
100 speed, if possible "All NATIONS, OBEY ME".