Just a basic question!!!!!

I am debating to buy an X box or PS2 what would you guys say to go with ....... I am thinking PS2 please give me your opinion...


Truth is to the one that waits for it
dont go there ;)

seriously, get the console that has the games you want to play, technicaly the xbox is better than the ps2 but generaly the games for it suck quite badly, the ps2 and gamecube have both got some excellent games and the gamecube is as advanced as xbox (dont believe everything m$ tell you about the xbox, it simply isnt true)
ps2 also has the advantage of a HUGE back catalogue of PS1 /psx games that also work just dandy on the PS2 :) not only that u dont need any fancy extras for DVD playback :) dont get me wrong the X-BOX has the raw power and inbuilt hard disk but hey so has yer puter :)
IMHO, I have both a PS2 and a XBOX... at first I played loads of PS2 games, but of late I haven't touched my PS2 for quite a while, my X-Brick has me hooked... graphics are simply loads better, so is the sound etc. -- BUT, it is all a matter of personal choice... there are some kickass games coming out for both platforms, and again personally I think the lineup over the next couple of months/years are going to be especially bright for the Xbox.

Just my opinion. ;)

i've played on all 3 at a mates house..the lucky sod lol.....and to be honest the cube and the x-box have the better graphics but the ps2 has the best catalogue of games(mainly due to sony's policy of 'let anyone release a game even if it's crap')..at the end of the day it's personal preference and i myself prefer my pc lol
I have an Xbox and PS2.

My Xbox is getting more of a run now as no swap is needed to play games. (My PS2 still has a neo 2.2 in it). I hate the PS2 swap with AR2 especially for DVD-R. But you would most likely get a non-swap mod which would be great.

I personally like the Xbox as loading times are much quicker, and love the other little bonuses of Divx Playback, Emulators etc.

But PS2 have a great selection of games. Im still waiting for AFL 2003 on Xbox :)
an interesting theory indeed :D

ps one titles coming on xbox. no they arent but if they did then xbox might have decent games

twice as powerfull as gamecube. tell me more :D the xbox has a 32bit intel celerion 733 and a modified (read cut down) geforce 4, the gamecube has a 403mhz 128 bit processor and a ati radion 2 gpu, the xbox uses sdram, the cube uses 1t-sram (the worlds fastest commercialy available memory).

i was put of gcube in the shop as its in a plastic cover & it kept overheating. so he started it up from cold & the game kept on crashing saying check disk.when he did manage to load starwars for about 1min the graphics didnt seem half as good oh dear, maybe the shop should send its faulty unit back for repair (or perhaps they keep it to try to persuade people to buy an xbox, after all someone has to buy one;) the cube has the most reliable drive of any of the current generation of consoles, wheras the xbox is renowned for its terrible quality components (they are now fitting slightly better phillips drives) and the ps2 laser is proving to last for about a year before it burns out on the dvd side.

all im waiting for is a better chip what hopefully wont invalid the warrenty,or dont need 30/40 things soldering.
the best thing is a computer as everything is free lol
ok, a better chip, get matrix or x-ecuter 2 both have zero wires to solder and offer similar facilities (x-ecuter 2 is actualy slightly better), as to the free games part, yes the xbox is hacked to death but even 45p is a lot of money to waste on a game thats not worth playing.