Joining audio

Hi :)

I'm trying to encode a 3hour38min PCM audio file demuxed from a dvd to AC3.
The audio failed to encode in DVD2SVCD, just leaving an extracted audio of 2.4GB. SoftEncoder spits it out, HeadAC3he also complains about it and Besweet gives me poor results.
My way around this is to split the audio for Softencode to accept it.
But now I want to join the two ac3's together, how can i do this?
I have Wombles mpeg-vcr which I think can join them but I'm not sure how.

Help please :)

ok found this info at

Take the two .ac3 files extracted using virtualdub direct stream copy and on the command line type "copy /b file1.ac3+file2.ac3 file3.ac3".

Now take file3.ac3, fix it wit ac3fix and you should have one large continous ac3 file for you to use as you please!

its worth a try :)
Sorry, I'm not that familiar with Virtualdub.
How do I access the command line?

The AC3's wont load into virtual dub?
You would need VirtualDubMod and a video source. AVISynth with blankclip() would do. Although I guess you would have to dub both AC3's with video, then join and split though.

You can access the commandline from the start menu under command prompt or something to that effect.
lost with this one. Tried the command option but all I get is cannot find the specified file or syntax of the command is incorrect

You have to subsitute in your file names and you also have to either by in the directory where the AC3's are or specify their paths such as copy /b c:\movies\whatever\VIDEO_TS\part1.ac3+c:\movies\whatever\VIDEO_TS\part2.ac3 c:\movies\whatever\VIDEO_TS\joined.ac3

Much less typing if you go to the correct directory first.
:D :D

Found it easier to actually move the audio to the specified Dir as you say.
It's a neat little trick, without the hassle of installing software to do the same thing and then figuring how to use it.

BIG thanx boys and a BIG Kiss
lol sorry emma i have to admit im a little hopless at this game as im more of a newbie at this than most here lol i only just got into dvd stuff recently, vcd/svcd i can cope with just about lol :)

what information i provide is usually assisted by other forums /users /etc etc :)

just glad we have GURU'S here like celtic_druid and chicken man that can explain indepth and bail me out lol thanks celtic! :)

glad you got sorted :)