I'm trying to encode a 3hour38min PCM audio file demuxed from a dvd to AC3.
The audio failed to encode in DVD2SVCD, just leaving an extracted audio of 2.4GB. SoftEncoder spits it out, HeadAC3he also complains about it and Besweet gives me poor results.
My way around this is to split the audio for Softencode to accept it.
But now I want to join the two ac3's together, how can i do this?
I have Wombles mpeg-vcr which I think can join them but I'm not sure how.
Help please
I'm trying to encode a 3hour38min PCM audio file demuxed from a dvd to AC3.
The audio failed to encode in DVD2SVCD, just leaving an extracted audio of 2.4GB. SoftEncoder spits it out, HeadAC3he also complains about it and Besweet gives me poor results.
My way around this is to split the audio for Softencode to accept it.
But now I want to join the two ac3's together, how can i do this?
I have Wombles mpeg-vcr which I think can join them but I'm not sure how.
Help please