

New member
Can anyone help me with burning DVDs, using my cd burner? Ive heard this can be done but dont know where to start. I downloaded some software but it doesnt help. I bought a DVD burner but everything I tried to do said it was copywrighted.. Thanks

jennifer1970 said:
Hi! I downloaded the things off that web site and now my other problem is where do I find my downloads?
Just to add on that above pointed thread is ok,but in meantime dvdshrink got even more advanced..
Since i can see that youre a newbie,dvdshrink is more then a converting tool for dvds-aka transcoder...
It can rip,transcode and burn too,so no other tool is necessary....
Only if your disk having dirty or scratched you might try a dvddecrypter as it is a best dvd ripper-no qyestions about..
Otherwise if disk is in normal condition..dvdshrink is the tool to use..
Just go with it,its very easy,it will decrypt the dvd if is copywrighted,transcode and burn for you bud...
Also its free too :)
Can anyone help me with burning DVDs, using my cd burner?
They missed this NO U cannot burn a DVD with a CDR Burner <> U can however make (S)VCD see the tutorials on how to do it

On no account BUY any of the programmes that say something like
Burn your DVD's in your CDR burner
they are ripoffs they make (S)VCD's just like the Tutorials.
@ jennifer you could look for them using your computers search/find files function goto your start button ... then single left mouse click it ...scroll up the list to the word search tab and you should get a sub menu of find files/folders click the sub menu and you should get a box for searching for files and folders :)

we are going to search the whole computer ....

choose to search all files and folders

in the all or part name box type the name of the file you are looking for (this will be the name of the file you just downloaded) so type it in :) if you are unsure go back to the download page and look at the name of the file it offers when you click download :)

then hit search :)

this should search your hard drive/drives and find your missing downloads (make a note of this location for future reference ):)

when you find it see if you can get to it finding your way through MY COMPUTER then your drive name then follow any other path names you see when you searched :)

an example would be C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\filename.exe with filename.exe being in this case the searched for and now found file :)

hope this helps jennifer1970

if you get stuck ask here for further help :)


New member
Ok I have done everything you told me. i am to the point now that says everything was succesful now how do I put it to a DVD? it says: medium not present:tray closed. What does that mean? Thank you for all your help!
what was your resulting files what did you choose to get SHRINK to make ?! an ISO or VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders !?

if you chose ISO then you need a blank DVD in your DVD WRITER and you can burn it with DVD DECRYPTER using file mode select file mode from along the top of under MODE of DECRYPTER :)

where it says Source click the folder icon and then browse through your directorys to where the output of shrink put the DVD ISO and select it :)

choose a suitable burn speed for the media (disk you are using) a safe bet here is to use 4x even if the disk says 8x and your dvd burner can burn at 8x change it where it says write speed :)

make sure BURN PROOF is ticked ......then click write when ready :)

job done :)

if its VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders then its a little more complex :)

let me know if its an ISO you have or FILES in VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders then i can explain the TS folder burn technique if needed :)


New member
Can anyone tell me what it means when you get the message "cycle redundancy check". I also do not know how to burn a copy from a copy that has been burned before. Most things I do are ISO.


jennifer1970 said:
Can anyone tell me what it means when you get the message "cycle redundancy check". I also do not know how to burn a copy from a copy that has been burned before. Most things I do are ISO.


Any DVD burning program disc to disc or just make and iso and then burn it. :) You do it the second way if you think your DVD drive may have a problem keeping up and you don't want to chance a coaster.