Yep thanks mate, thats exactly what I was looking for. I've already upped the Firmware.
I had to upgrade my CDRWIn to 3.8f to see it and get the latest engine for Prassi to work with it as well. Both Diskjuggler 3.?? and Nero saw the drive and are working well.
I tried out the Burn-Proof (the sceptic I am !). I tried to do a CD to CD on the fly copy at 24x with DMA turned off! Naturally I would get bufferunder runs. It did more waiting than burning but the copy (VCD Movie) turned out perfect!
I also found with Nero that burning a VCD, the minimum speed it would let me select is 8x, is that normal or just a Nero thing? Burning VCD's at 8x is not a prob but I just cant select anything less if I wanted.