I've just got a LITE-ON 24/10/40

I've just got a LITE-ON 24/10/40 which is less then 1/2 the price of a Plextor equiv. Have I made the right choice ?


You have made an excellent choice. I got one from Melbourne not long ago and this baby is great. My advice is upgrade the firmware w*w.liteonit.com and never look back m8. I have had plextors and for half the price, the liteon is a beauty.

Is that the reassurance you were after? ;)
Yep thanks mate, thats exactly what I was looking for. I've already upped the Firmware.

I had to upgrade my CDRWIn to 3.8f to see it and get the latest engine for Prassi to work with it as well. Both Diskjuggler 3.?? and Nero saw the drive and are working well.

I tried out the Burn-Proof (the sceptic I am !). I tried to do a CD to CD on the fly copy at 24x with DMA turned off! Naturally I would get bufferunder runs. It did more waiting than burning but the copy (VCD Movie) turned out perfect!

I also found with Nero that burning a VCD, the minimum speed it would let me select is 8x, is that normal or just a Nero thing? Burning VCD's at 8x is not a prob but I just cant select anything less if I wanted.


All sources are confirming that 8x is the minimum that LiteOn can support, hence the 8x speed selection in Nero. Just to prove them wrong, I used clone and selected the speed to 1x and surprised to find out that I still recorded at 8x eventhough 1x speed was selected. But it is a known issue. FYI, I love the burn proof idea as well. A full cd in less than 4 min no coasters.


Chickenman,you made the right choice,indeed.Thousands of happy customers,and climbing!If Houman likes it,everybody will...LOL!!;)

Seriously though,it is the best choice available!Seems Liteon is listening to the people,and delivering what THEY want.;)


they also updated their firmware again today.....but I don't know which improvements it has made......
Liteon Firmware + Dos flash backwards to earlier firmware etc

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LTR 24102B Speed

Well, all u guys said about the speed of the CD-RW is right but when I used CDRWin, I found that at 4X (same ISO image, same brand of CDR) the burn-proof was not activated and at 8X it did.

I am wondering if the drive can go down to 4X??