iso image on fat32


New member
Hello, new guy here.

I am trying use dvdstripper with mounted iso images (bigger than 4 gigs), but, although windvd plays them fine, dvddecryptor fails - images tried so far were from imgtool, and dvddecryptor itself. Virtual drive - daemon-tools.

On the other hand, after a little fiddling, downloading, and especially reading the posts, I have used dvdstripper successfully, and am very pleased.

I've seen a few recommendations for imgtool with daemon-tools, and as stated, it works in the player, but not in decryptor.
If this is not possible in win98, fine. If it is, though, I would appreciate a hint.

I am (obviously) running win98 on an amd duron 900 mhz proc.

Thanks, da5idzero
Sorry, can't help as I haven't used the tools on Win98 and have no machine with 98 installed but I'm sure someone will be along that has the experince.

Happy Stripping to ya
Hi and Welcome to the forums da5idzero :)

nice to see you got some pleasing results

Is there not an option in a program to split it into 1GB segments when making images?. I now DVDDecrypter gives you that option when ripping but I'm not so sure about Imgtool


New member
MackemX said:
Hi and Welcome to the forums da5idzero :)

nice to see you got some pleasing results

Is there not an option in a program to split it into 1GB segments when making images?. I now DVDDecrypter gives you that option when ripping but I'm not so sure about Imgtool
both imgtool, and dvddecryptor provide this option, but it must be win98 that forbids access.(in some cases?)
I appreciate the help, but I suspected that i'd need to update the os. I've tried ntfs for win98 from one of the other replies, and although it seemed to be working, it kept messing up, and i am now reinstalling win98.

I totally understand that this is NOT a problem with dvdstripper, but was wondering if there was a way around it.

Thanks again for the responses.

Now to find volumeid.exe (whatever the post was - I'll check again) to fix my serial number and try reinstaling dvdstripper before emailing for a new key!

As a postscript here, by trying to figure out what stripper does, I've been able to sort of figure out how it works with ifoedit, and I may not even need to use the image file in the end. Yes, this is the stuff I am supposed to save time with, but just knowing(?) this stuff makes it worthwhile. Thank you all!