Is it possible VCR disc to VHS tape ?

I have a friend who is going to loan me Lord of the rings on 3 discs (obviously not DVD) to watch on my comp. Is it possible to put this film from the comp onto a VHS tape ? And what connectors would I need if possible ?
You will need a TV out from your Video card to send Video to your VCR's Video In and a lead from your Sound cards LineOut or SpeakerOut to your VCR's Audio in, set VCR to Channel AV and start recording.

If you have a DVD Player (not a PC one) that can play the VCD's, then just hook up Video & Audio out of the DVD player to the VCR's Video & Audio In plugs, set VCR to Channel AV and start recording.
Ah. Cheers, CM. I personally dont, but I know someone who does have a non-PC dvd. So will the dvd player play these ordinary CD's ?
Most DVD players will play VCD's, just try it.

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