Is it possible to convert SVCD/VCD to DivX??

Just like the subject says.

I have a bunch of SVCD's and VCD's and I was wondering if there was any way of converting them to Divx?

Thanks for the help.
SVCD's convert to DivX quite easy with Vidomi. Read the DVD to DivX tutorial but load in the svcd MPEG2 file instead.

VCD, convert the DAT file to a proper MPG using vcdgear ( ) and load into VirtualDUB. set Audio to Full Processing mode and then Compression to MP3 at say 128 bit rate. Set Video to Full Processing Mode and then compression to DivX (after installing DivX 5.02) and select a bitrate of 900. In File tab, hit Save AVI, sit back and wait for it to end.
Maybe it may be better to join the mpeg files first or it's possible to join the resulting avi's after encoiding to divx?