Is dvd decrypter for free?


ps2king said:
hey dx is that your site?
You mean... do I own or run this site?

No... just giving a little help to it's author. Freeware does cost the author (any author) in webspace and blood, sweat, and tears. They mostly dig out of their own pockets for this.

If everyone dug into their pockets for a few bucks for worthy proggies like this, I think we would all see a better product in the end. No obligations here... just a little to think about. ;)
@dx Yes my friend-an amazing appli which needs some financial support from us.The author might just find something in his stocking from me at Xmas!!! :D :D


New member
thanx DX

Thank you DX,

I donated to your accuont last month, I can't express the properly the gratitude you brought to so many liberating people fron the ravenous corporations in hollywood that step on people's right to make backup copies of material we have paid good money for. Shame on those hollywood execs who pinch the pockets of the common working man. I still can't believe many are still blinded by the amount of misinformation these companies distribute regaurding copyright laws.

PS. damn the lobbiest who supports these hollywood execs
bellbottom said:
Thank you DX,

I donated to your accuont last month, I can't express the properly the gratitude you brought to so many liberating people fron the ravenous corporations in hollywood that step on people's right to make backup copies of material we have paid good money for. Shame on those hollywood execs who pinch the pockets of the common working man. I still can't believe many are still blinded by the amount of misinformation these companies distribute regaurding copyright laws.

PS. damn the lobbiest who supports these hollywood execs
But having said that-the world movie industry needs our money..Without our money there would be no movies made at all.I don`t always agree with the excess profits the Hollywood studios make,but if you really love a movie (especially the DVD extras!) (or any program for that matter)-reward the makers if you find it useful and buy it! :)