Invalid Videofiles!

For all users with invalid m2v files.

My Ripping Methode.

With dvd decrypter fom dvd to harddisk
I ripp only the m2v and the german ac3 file.

If i import the m2v files in a MPEG encoder i get for a 1 hr movie
-xxxx frames. That ist not correct.

You can have the correct framerate of the movie with follow methode.

Import the m2v file in the programm Vitec Video Clip MPEG 2 Pro.
The Editions mode frame accurate.
Just copy and paste the movie into the next window,and create a new file.

The framerate on the m2v file is at this time correct.

I import the ac3 file into samplitude,and samplitude makes an 5.1 to 2 channel strereo downmix.

I save the file as wav.

Import the Videostream In the Programm Mpeg Conversions Studio and the framerate will displayed correct.

Set the goop structure to 15 ant the P intervall to 5.
Set the bitrate to 2.5Mbit(Great Picture Quality with 210 min Video)




Import the m2v files.
Import the Audio wav file

Make firts play
Set the audio encoder to 2channel strereo 192kbit.

Create the movie

Thasts all


I make DVD Ripps with t´he full Pal Resulutions 720x576 at 2.5Mbit an the picture quality is verry good.

You cant see the diferrence on a modern TV.
Only on the pc monitor you can see the picture difference.


I'm confused mate, sorry. Do you have a DVD burner? After your final encoding, do you burn as SVCD, VCD?
Video DVD

I burn the datas with gearpro on a DVD-R and it works perfekt on my standalone player thomson dth220.


"makes an 5.1 to 2 channel strereo downmix"

why ?

"Set the bitrate to 2.5Mbit"

another WHY ?

It was only for testing.

was i mean , the encoder is verry good for transcoding long movie files (lord of the rings etc. that is was i mean 2.5mbit).
For the correct bitratebudget i use a bitrate calculator.

I make a 5.1 to 2 channel strero downmix because dvditpe cant authoring with 5.1 ac3. The programm says 5.1 ac3 is forbidden for authoring only 2.0 ac3 strereo is possible.

About one jeahr i test dvd fusion for windows.
Its a verry good programm,but the import of the audiofile for the first play movie is not good.

I make dvd ripps without menue and i think this is impossible with dvd fusion or dvd producer. Or i have a blackout with this programm.

If you are a good user you can tell me(help) to undrestanding how i can import the audiofile in dvd producer without to produce a menue.
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