Dose it really work? I don't think I they do at all. Then again I could be wrong. I have "half" DSL, Earthlink's way to make you pay $15 extra for 1.5mb/s. Anyway I started thinking of ways to boost my Internet and file dl speed with out paying that extra $15. I don't think they work cuz I went to this place to get a prog called Dr. Speed or something. And it said it could boost my speed by 250%. So I went ahead and dl it on Kazza. Then went and did there little test again. I went from 404 kb/s to 4800kb/s. So right away I'm thinking BS. Then I go to w* did a similar speed test. Same speed that I had b4 I got Dr. Speed. So I uninstalled it. I don't know if it was something I did or whatever but I was just wondering if they’re where any progs out there that really does boost you Internet and dl speeds.