I'm kinda tired of people talking about stability issues with AMD chipsets. Learn something and try the new ones please. This talk is getting old and unfounded for the Athlon XP/SP lines.
The older models had their issues, but as you can see, many BIG companies are switching from intel to amd now (especially servers), so I doubt they want to put something in that will not be stable. Do you homework and find out the truth!
If you want to bring stability issues into this, P3 is more stable than P4, so why do people brag about their P4s?
Anyhow, I think I've said enough about this issue (some people need better educating maybe). Will the next line of AMD or Intel be better or more stable? Who knows, gotta wait and see, but a new chipset doesn't always mean better or more stability. Hopefully they will be.
As far as noise goes, all depends on the fan you use and such. I can't say my AMD rigs are louder or quieter than their Intel counterparts. You want quiet, get a better HSF (using 70/80mm silent fans instead of loud screaching 60s), and a better case.
Another thing I've noticed a lot of BS about, is how well the P4 overclocks with stock fan. LOL, this is just a joke. For you to overclock a P4 you need to unlock it (simpler with latest models true) but you also need top of the line Memory chips and PCI cards that can take the increase in the overclocking.
What many fail to mention (like at tomshardware) the super cooling they really used and the special RAM chips built for their little test/review. You won't find them on the market easily or cheap (that's why I don't like reading their reviews, full of a lot of BS and mistakes and no consistency).
That being said, Intel does make very good chipsets and compatibility issues were something to consider in the past ('cause they worked closely with most other hardware/software manufacturers), but AMD is also doing that now (and you can see they have gotten a lot more stable because of it, and better architecture).
That's it for now all you geekers lol