Intel CPU with 2 brains.

Yup Intel are developing a CPU which utilizes 2 chip cores. This looks promising indeed for the future.

Note though I mentioned a few months back how IBM had already developed the worlds fastest CPUs with multi-chips on them.
Ofcourse AMD's Hammer chip is also ready to be transformed into a dual-core.
This seems to be the trend of chip-makers now. Hopefully it will be a good thing (just wondering what happens if one chip-core burns out lol)
Intel are developing a CPU which utilizes 2 chip cores. This looks promising indeed for the future.

Hmmm.... That's interesting news.
But what about the coolers??? Will they be double fan/heatsink ones LOL :)
ahh nice to hear that they aren't limited to 2 dimensions when creating the chips anymore!
i hope we'll get a small cube of 1cm * 1cm * 1cm with not too many pins into one direction and around the other 5 sides the water flews selently to cool it ...
dreams .... :D


Kind of funny that Intel makes it sound like they were the innovators on this. Funny considering that IBM and AMD are already ahead of them in this.

Confirms to me that Intel is still behind in the technology game. We all know they really messed up on the Pentium 4 ;)
Exactly Dxkim, although I'm an Intel maniac, I have to admit that Intel changed their technology in P4, 3 times in only one year (S423 / S478 NorthWood/ S478 Williamette). :( That's pretty bad. Anyway, we will see in the future... The good fact is that the cost of P4 proce$$ors is lowered by Intel, making it more competitive to AMDs. I tried to calculate the final cost of making both an Intel and an AMD system and the fact is that AMDs need higher Quality Coolers (ie TT Volcano 7+CU / GlobalWin) and PS with adequate power currents. On the other hand, Intels stay cooler with not such big coolers that make systems sound like airports :). And I guess that the cost for such a cooler is a little bit UP (5o Euros for the Volcano 7+CU). So I came to the conclusion that a system based for instance on Intel P4 2.26 GHz and anotherone built on an AMD Athlon XP 2.1 cost the same... Personally I would stick to Intel, but there are many others that are most satisfied with the AMD solution. But I need my machine to be stable and noiseless so, I believe Intel suits my needs best... ;)
I have the same mainboard in one of my systems. It has two disadvantages, both concerning RAM. 1) It supports up to 512 MB SD-RAM and 2) It does not support ECC and ECC Registered Memory... At what bus is your PIII CPU??? 100 or 133 MHz? I had a PIII Dual CPU system with 2 750 MHz PIIIs and CUV4X-D mobo and upgraded it by luck to 2 800 MHz PIIIs with 133 FSB. The 750 processors could not be overcloacked to 1000 (7.5x133) with the same voltage rating. I wonder if you made any changes to the voltage settings with your PIII 800.
seems a lot of pc makers/retailers are gettin the AMD bug DXKIM i see from some press articles they are switchin from INTEL to AMD to bring the prices down and push the CPU speeds up sounds like a damn good idea as AMD are going from strength to strength and pushing that 3 gig mark ever closer hehehe ;) :cool: :cool: lol
I'm kinda tired of people talking about stability issues with AMD chipsets. Learn something and try the new ones please. This talk is getting old and unfounded for the Athlon XP/SP lines.
The older models had their issues, but as you can see, many BIG companies are switching from intel to amd now (especially servers), so I doubt they want to put something in that will not be stable. Do you homework and find out the truth!
If you want to bring stability issues into this, P3 is more stable than P4, so why do people brag about their P4s?
Anyhow, I think I've said enough about this issue (some people need better educating maybe). Will the next line of AMD or Intel be better or more stable? Who knows, gotta wait and see, but a new chipset doesn't always mean better or more stability. Hopefully they will be.
As far as noise goes, all depends on the fan you use and such. I can't say my AMD rigs are louder or quieter than their Intel counterparts. You want quiet, get a better HSF (using 70/80mm silent fans instead of loud screaching 60s), and a better case.
Another thing I've noticed a lot of BS about, is how well the P4 overclocks with stock fan. LOL, this is just a joke. For you to overclock a P4 you need to unlock it (simpler with latest models true) but you also need top of the line Memory chips and PCI cards that can take the increase in the overclocking.
What many fail to mention (like at tomshardware) the super cooling they really used and the special RAM chips built for their little test/review. You won't find them on the market easily or cheap (that's why I don't like reading their reviews, full of a lot of BS and mistakes and no consistency).
That being said, Intel does make very good chipsets and compatibility issues were something to consider in the past ('cause they worked closely with most other hardware/software manufacturers), but AMD is also doing that now (and you can see they have gotten a lot more stable because of it, and better architecture).
That's it for now all you geekers lol :cool: :cool:
O.K. Just a simple question: I wonder why AMD chipsets produce so much heat at the same GHz frequency compared to the Intels??? Just this...:confused:
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well firstly they don't use the same Ghz. An AMD 2600 is actually at 2.13Ghz & outperforms a P4 2.53Ghz.
The waifers that intel make are made of different materials than the ones AMD uses (but intel owns the right to them, so not sharing). They help keep the chipset a little cooler.
Other point is that a P4 averages about 4-7 degrees lower temps than AMD Athlons. Not a huge heat difference.
Nonetheless, heat has nothing to do with how stable a computer chipset is. I don't know why people make these types of arguments or associations (heat=stability/instability).
I agree AMD has to work on that issue and they are (with the new waifers they plan to use next year), but nonetheless their chipsets are made to malfunction at 90C. I don't know any bozo who lets their PC get that hot. Better if you keep it under 60C (longer lifespan that way) but still it will work above 60C.
*mine is never above 45C and most times is around 31C (my P4 rig reaches about 43C and most times at 28C)*
What you need to do is use the right components. The biggest issues (with both manufacturers) is that most people tend to not care so much about the parts they get (which means they get crap components which break down all the time).
In the end I feel both Intel and AMD produce great chipsets. 1 may be slightly faster than the other at times, but stability wise they are both the same. Just different issues for each.

Athlon XP2100+ 266mhz w/ fan $150USD
Intel P4-2.2g (478) Box $253USD
(chose these 'cause they perform about the same)

not so competitive with prices here, maybe different elsewhere around the globe.
OK but I would add a better PS at the price of the AMD, cause INTELs are not so demanding in high currents. So the price becomes again the same, plus the FSB is better (something that most people forget to mention)... Onemore thing. Did you manage to work with 2 Duron Processors in a 2 processor mainboard? I don't know if the ASUS A7M266-D supports 2 processors other than Athlon MP. It can work with one XP or Duron processor, but ONLY (as they claim) with 2 MPs. Of course the result is perfect. A built machine with 2 1900 MPs had 55 FPS at FlaskMpeg 0.6 preview 1.1 with Reference iDCT and Deinterlace filters on. Interesting...
Hmmmm, kinda weak don't you think? I mean an Antec PSU at 400Watts cost about $50USD, is that really expensive compared to the $50USD unit needed for P4s? You can still run an AMD off the PSU that comes with the case (just like a P4), but most times shops provide a poor quality one, so most people I know (including Toshiba corporate business center) opt to buy a better PSU for their PCs (which usually is in the $90USD range).
So the price is not the same bud. On average you are saving $150-$300USD for the same type of performance rigs going AMD.
How about this. List me parts you want to buy for what you consider to be a good P4 rig (We'll use a pricelist from 1 shop and compare the costs.) and I'll match it with an AMD at a cheaperprice.
You forget the Intel mobos are more expensive also.
Nonetheless, I don't see how you can say they cost about the same after buying a new PSU+HSF even. Let's see, P4 $250USD
& AthlonXP $150USD.
150+40+25= 215. Still even cheaper and with better parts.
These aren't even with deals, when you can even get things put together with deals at an even cheaper rate (AMD has more deals than Intel does, 'cause big money Intel doesn't like to make so many deals *they can't rip you off as much that way*).

if you don't take the HSF provided by AMD, they will take off another $10 so actually it is $140USD for an AMD AthlonXP 2100.

This is my last message on this. Not getting anywhere especially with an "expert" like you cdorders.
I really don't care what preference people have. I like both companies and own several of both manufacturers (well my office does lol), but I just don't like people putting one company down saying things that aren't entirely true. You can have your comforts and likes (I like wearing deasel clothes over polo, but doesn't make it better, just different *I can assure that both deasel and polo have the same stability for shirt rippage lol).
Originally posted by shadow_phantom This is my last message on this. Not getting anywhere especially with an "expert" like you cdorders.
I really don't care what preference people have. I like both companies and own several of both manufacturers (well my office does lol), but I just don't like people putting one company down saying things that aren't entirely true. You can have your comforts and likes (I like wearing deasel clothes over polo, but doesn't make it better, just different *I can assure that both deasel and polo have the same stability for shirt rippage lol).
I think you are taking things the wrong way again. First of all I didn't call myself an expert. Secondly, price here in Greece are a little different from the country/place you live in. Anyway, my intention was not to burry one or another company or to pretent I know things better than you or anyone else. You always get this as an offensive behaviour or a showing off of what I know. Well, you are wrong buddy. My intention was really to say that both companies have well deserved products for their money and the decision of which one should anyone buy will be finally a matter of taste. I just like INTELs but I would never ever force anyone or wrongly persuade not to switch to AMD because of my appeal to INTEL. Both companies make their own business productions and try day by day to improve their products. Both companies deserve there products to be in any home or business corporation. The fact is that anyone is free to choose which one (or even both) should he buy... That's all... I don't really know which of what I said made you say this thing about "expert" and blah blah blah. I didn't say something that is going to mislead anyone I guess. If I did, perhaps it's my wrong English and prices here in Greece. Have a nice day.
I got "expert" from when you used to have that under your name
Although your little tidbit looks nice and diplomatic, you did state
"I need my machine to be stable and noiseless". This to me tells people something misleading no?
"I wonder why AMD chipsets produce so much heat at the same GHz frequency compared to the Intels?"
again you are trying to find something bad to say about them.
"OK but I would add a better PS at the price of the AMD, cause INTELs are not so demanding in high currents".
same thing here.

All those statements are misleading or trying to put a fault on one company so don't try and point the finger at me.
Am just here to correct if I see something wrong with a post.
I also asked someone from greece the prices and they are relatively the same as most other places in europe (give or take $10euros).
You are correct though in saying that both companies work on and improving their products. That's why they keep going back and forth as to who makes the better chip (but if every quarter or second quarter they keep doing that, means they are about equal). In the end the choice is upto the consumer but most people just go with what they are used to.
Good day, and please do know I am not trying to take the offensive always.

*Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned the "expert" bit, so I apologize about that. I know you contribute here with some good stuff and do try to help others. That's what this board is all about.
So I do hope we can be friends sometime :cool: :cool: and keep cooler heads in the future. Maybe need a better HSF on the brains lol


yeah mates !! that sounds pretty good ... that´s the way to go !!
keep cool :cool: :cool:

OK then ;). Where have you been El_Presidente? Vacation or something, because I had to hear from you for a mnth or so... I hope you enjoyed holidays (if you were on holidays).