Instantcopy8: How to get rid of virtual drive?

Is there a way to do it? I really do not want it on my system. Can't I just burn the discs from my regular hard drives? Or is it something I have to have?
greggery said:
Is there a way to do it? I really do not want it on my system. Can't I just burn the discs from my regular hard drives? Or is it something I have to have?
Hi greggery!

the only reliable way to get rid of the virtual drive once you have it installed is uninstalling IC8 and reinstalling it in custommode unchecking the virtual drive.
And basicly you only need the virtual drive if you are looking for a fast and easy way to check pdi files content after creating an image. You could still even without the virtual drive such a content using one of the to iso / extraction tools
that are available for processing pdi files, though you this will require some editional harddisc space. And for burning goes, there are by now several burning programs out there that also handle the pdi format.

Hope this helps
