Version 1.1.1 is here!
V1.1.1 Cheers
or less is more
c - the way the programm centers on the screen, should avoid placement behind taskbar
on 800x600
c - Interface size reduced again
c - Toyed 'round a bit more with the AboutDialog
c - the programm Icon, no artwork here, just to seperate it better from InstantCopy
so distinguishing them if e.g. on desktop will be a lot easier
a - another piece of art
seriously, just an own icon for .ihs files
a - another check to determin correct installation of InstantCopy!
It came to my attention that Pinnacles Installer only writes your CDKey to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER (even when choosing installation for all users!), that also might
be the solution for most of the people who cant get the update to apply!
If using a MultiUserSystem you need to install the update under the same account
you initialy installed the Retail!
a - a verification that the settings have been written to the registry correctly
when you set them
a - .ihs filetypeassosiation, now you can simply double click .ihs files to open them
in InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor
a - instance control, only one copy of InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor will be
running, needed for .ihs file support, else you might end up with a bunch of instances
a - a button to start InstantCopy right out of InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor
a - Configuration to Systemmenu & a Configuration Dialog to set a few Settings for
InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor itself!
Just a few simple settings to avoid nagging the user with unwanted featurs
* Check .ihs File-Association on programmstart
disable if you dont want it (obvious
* Check Registrationstatus
diable to suppress the check & warning for not present CDKey (see above)
* Force smaller Interface even on high Resolutions
always use the 800x600 Interface ignoring actual screen resolution
(takes effect the next time you start InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor)
* Confirm succesful loading / saving of the settings
disable to suppress messages after succesful load/save (only errors get reported)
* Confirm succesful writting to the Registry
disable to suppress message after succesful setting the RegistryTweaks
* Automaticaly set settings after loading
directly submit the settings to the registry after loading from file
* Automaticaly set Default / Recommended settings
directly submit the settings to the registry after clicking Default / Recommended
Basicly making it a single click operation (if you're as lazy as me
* Reset FirstRecommendedClick-Flag
For those of you (if any
who want to read my bulls**t on the recommended settings
more then once
a - my own sliders, far from perfect, mostly some event probs with doubleclick events (well
it's just VB) , but they suffice their purpose! Controling them is just the same as with
those from commoncontrols, except direct positioning is handled far more suited.
r - dumped the comdlg32.ocx, going native!
r - dumped the mscomctl.ocx, replaced sliders by scrollbars, don't look as good, but offer the
same functionality! no more :
"Component '********.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered" messages!
now all you need really are the VB6Runtimes!
r - dumped the scrollbars again, they were to ugly and more important to unclearly 'cause they
had diffrent thumb sizes caused by the diffrent scales and didnt match the progress values
hope this will be useful for some!