InstantCD/DVD 6.02 virus allert problems

Hi. I downloaded this program from manifactors site. But when I tried to test the suite my AV app, F-Secure, blocked ALL major .exe files. Indicated a possible unknown virus. I have sent all files to F-Secure for their help. EN1 else had similar problem with other AV app? I know F-Secure is very sensitiv. In the early days of CloneCD every new version had the same problem. But this was when Olli was most active with his protections. I had to send every new version to F-Secure to get the data files updated.

Hmmm...very interesting bud!I had that version on my computer for about 30 days without a virus alert.It is possible that newer downloads are infected.Looking forward to hearing about your results.;)
I think I know what the problem is. F-Secure has a detection engine called 'Orion'. This engine doesn't check for viruses, but checks every programme on actions that most viruses do, like altering hex codes in .exe files. This means the programme is blocked, although it is not a virus. You can disable Orion if you want, I believe... I had this problem once with a patch for Windows Commander. The patch was blocked because it altered the wincmd32.exe file... Hopefully I helped you with this.

Hi guillaume. I know this about the Orion engine. Unfortunately it´s not possible to disable this part of F-Secure. I have to wait for the F-Secure engineers to add these files as no virus in their datafiles. Their support is the best available. The problem I mentioned with CloneCd was fixed over and over again. I sent the file as a sample and in 24 hours it was Ok to use the program.
