I have had problems with IC8 crashing and hanging. Almost never a reboot though. The majority of my problems have been solved by doing the following just before using IC8 (same goes for IC7):
1) Perform a cold boot (ie power down and restart). Not sure why it has to be a cold boot vs just a restart, but I can't argue with success.
2) Turn off all tasks that are not required for a minimal windows boot.
This means not just disabling your antivirus, but sutting it completely off!
No mouse button assignment software!
No firewall (physically disconnect from you internet source if this is a problem)!
Nothing extra!
IC is very sensitive about having anything running. I have Windown 98SE and anything more than Explorer, Systray, and Rundll (display settings) active and I experience problems.
I am not very familiar with XP yet so I have no idea what the minimal tasks are, but a program called ENDITALL is suppose to take care of shutting down the extra ones while protecting the basic system tasks (I works for Win98 also).
I hope this helps.