Instant copy or DVDX?

Hey folks...

Got a slight problem...I was using DVDxCopy and it seemed to work fine, mostly because it was so easy (although I did get some movies that skipped). Well, the computer crashed and the password to register the program went with it (I know...stupid, stupid, stupid). So now I can't put the DVDxCopy back on there. I bought the program off ebay from a retailer who I can't get to return any emails. And DVDxCopy don't have me down as the registered person. So I am screwed. SOOOOO....

I was going to buy a new copy of DVDxCopy but thought "Hey, is it the best thing to use? I bet the fine folks at (insert forum name here) would know!" I see this Pinnacle Instant Copy at the stores. Will is automatically split the dvd for me to make exact copy? How hard is it to use and to use an encryption program....easy being key.

Thanks folks for your help and patience

Knucklehead in KNashville
volntitan, if you have purchased a copy of DXC no matter where from. Then you are entitled to updates and support, as for not being registered then how did you use it in the first place cos you need the registration you say you don't got?

I suggest you contact 321 using this email address and take a trip to their support forum for advice on your problems.

Or ring 636-728-0101 between 8am - 8pm CST
Thanks folks.....I really appreciate your help.

Basically, I bought DVDxCopy from Ebay retailer along with 10 free DVD+R. I was sent to the DVDxCopy site and downloaded the program and was sent the password from the retailer. I know have the hard copy of the program, but not the registration info. I called DVDXCopy, and they can't find any of my info associated with that program...all I did was put in the info the retailer sent me. Arghhhh.....
That info should contain your 'customer id' and to download you would've required a 'licence id' and password.
Pop along to the support forum, if you haven't registered then do so and well see what we can do for you. BTW I'm a Mod there, tommyx(have I said this before lol).
Hi there volntitan.

Personally i havn`t tried Pinnacle Instant Copy or DVDxCopy myself, but i have used DVDshrink which is freeware which you can download from here:
and DVD2one which i have used which can be got from here :

DVd2one costs 39.99 Euros and is worth every penny "erm Euro"
both are excellent programes and really easy to use, personally I would go for DVD2one, I think this just has the edge over DVDshrink.

Hope this helps.
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DVD2one and DVDshrink are extremely easy to use, with DVDshrink comes a very useful guide not that its needed as just about everything is self explanatory.
Another prog is needed for burning though, Nero or Recordnowmax which I prefer. Well,i dont have a dvdburner and really dont know which proggy should use,but if you had a valid code,maybe will update it with this file....Btw,if its not get updated,go as the guy said,and try to get a free copy(if i were you i would not loose a time)-either look for ""free"copy or buy the proggy...Couse didnt buy from them,they dont have you in a datebase,you dont have a code??????????----They should be nut to give you a free copy:)Anyway,good luck to you!!!!!!!
DVD2One, DVD Shrink, DVD95Copy, etc dont split the DVDR to allow burning to 2 DVDR's and with an EXACT copy of your original. They all transcode the origianl dvd down to fit onto a DVDR, menus, extras and all, or just the movie only. Quality is naturally lowered in this transcodeing process. DVDxCopy is the only all in one (ripping, converting/chopping & burning) product out there that can do what you want to do.
I was afraid of that...I may just have to break down and get ANOTHER copy of DVDxCopy. What is the difference btwn that and DVDxCopy Express?
"DVDxCopy is the only all in one (ripping, converting/chopping & burning) product" - This is true, but I like DVD Decryptor & Pinnacle Instant Copy, I tried a little experiment last night - I took the movie Antwone Fisher (for testing purposes) and tried using DVDxCopy (express), and Pinnacle Instant Copy(with DVD Decryptor) and the results were quite a bit different (DUH') but what was so different you ask? The amount of data written to the disks. Using DVDxCopy(express) after burning it only filled about four-fifths of the disk, where as with Pinnacle Instant Copy(& dvd decryptor) the disk was used to its full capacity. (we are assuming that comparable data was stripped in both cases) The biggest standout was that DVDxCopy(express) transcoded and burned the movie in approximately 26 minutes!! OK, now on the flip side, Pinnacle Instant Copy (w/dvd decryptor) gives more control over what is ripped, and the amount of disk space to be used when burning the data to the disk, thereby writing more data = better quality flick to me. Just my two cents worth, try it for yourself and see.
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Yes,it does keep menus in the disc copy mode.You have to use Ifoedit,or similar when using the reauthor mode.Download version 2.2,the help files will explain more.;) It is posted here.
My opinion too.


I have the exact same opinion as yours.

I use both DVDecrypter and then Instantcopy. Sure it slower but IMHO it spits out better quality! Experts also agree that Instantcopy is slow but the results are worth it.

Here's a quote

DVD9 to DVD5 with InstantCopy
+Good quality
+Built in burning
-No dvd decrypting

DVD9 to DVD5 with DVD2ONE
+Very fast
-No DVD Decrypting
-No burning

DVD9 to DVD5 with DVD95Copy
-No DVD Decrypting
-No burning

DVD9 to DVD5 with DVD Shrink
+Very fast
+Built in DVD Decrypting
-No burning
-Can't set exact size

I'm sticking by Instantcopy for sure.
