Instant Copy Hidden Settings Editor 1.3.1
Hi All!
Note: attachment removed since 1.3.1 is outdated! Grab InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor 1.3.2
here it is! the new InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor 1.3.1
has quite some changes, heres the changelog :
Enjoy the new release!
Hi All!
Note: attachment removed since 1.3.1 is outdated! Grab InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor 1.3.2
here it is! the new InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor 1.3.1
has quite some changes, heres the changelog :
a - added
f - fixed
r - removed
c - changed
n - note
V1.3.1 Too many changes, cant pick a catchphrase =)
n - The Forum Community has offered me a space for a support forum
to InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor. It's already set up and ready to
go. So if you have anything on your mind regarding this App, come over and
let me know! (You can access the forum from its entry in the '?' menu)
a - recognition and support for Pinnacles InstantCD+DVD bundled InstantCopy
Versions (only supports DVDMagic setting) & (supports
all settings available for InstantCopy (Thnx 2 chewie for
informing me about the 142 build)
n - These are the only Versions that i am aware of, if you know other builds
please let me now, to add support for them aswell
a - recognition for .pdi files containing a (S)VCD and the possibility to
extract the mpg-stream from it. Just open in PDIControl
n - you cant simply convert (S)VCD pdi Images, as like DVD pdi Images, to ISO
since they dont contain an ISO structure.
a - to PDIControl a possibility to change the VolumeLabel of the DVD in the
PDI-Image. This allows those of you who forgot to change or misspelled the
VolumeLabel in InstantCopys customize disc dialog, to quickly and easily
change it. Even before converting to ISO.
For the VolumeLabel ISO 9660 restrictions for VolumeIdentifer apply!
Means: only uppercase A-Z, 0-9 & the underscore (_) are allowed for naming
n - i strongly suggest not to change the VolumeLabel in Pinnacles InstantCopy,
except you are aware of the ISO 9660 restrictions for the Volume Identifier
Pinnacles InstantCopy doesnt verify these restrictions when you change the
VolumeLabel, ignorantly violating them afterwards. This behaviour could
render the resulting DVD unusable on certain systems!
a - an additional check for valid ISO-Structure to PDIControl to improve the
internal Errorhandling
a - complete Primary Volume Descripor deceiphering to PDIControl
[Thnx 2 Viper_1069 4 supplying tha documentation]
a - four Custom Launch Buttons for your convenience. These are freely
configurable so that you can have any usefuk Program at hand from the GUI
that i didn't think of You can also add a custom Description for those
Buttons in the config.
a - Highlighting for the RegKey-Names in the GUI [ Hi Laz! =) ]
Quote: "It makes it much easier on the eye when certain settings stand out"
so, here you go! btw. this is optional, you can turn it off in the options!
And NO! DiscDataPath was not forgoten, its not changeable from the GUI, so
no highlight!
a - an entry to the 'Launcher' menu, to turn on/off the newly added Launcherbar
a - config, button & menu to launch IFOEdit directly out of
InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor. It came to my attention that since
InstantCopy still does not deal with removing VTS correctly this is an
essential Tool for the work with IC, so it should always be at hand
a - Launcher Menu, same as the LaunchButtons on the GUI, just for access from
the menu and accelerator keys!
a - IC-Settings Menu, enables you to access Get/Set/Defaults/Recommended
from the menu also
a - added preparation for help access from the '?' menu
HINT: still need someone to do a help...
a - InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor Home & a few other useful links to the
'?' menu (most of you will know these sites, for those who don't take a
look, they are very useful!)
a - InstantCopy Version History to the '?' menu. Just to clear up some
confusion with the versions released by Pinnacle since they give them
'call sign' Versionnumbers which dont match the actual builds!
a - basic PDI header/footer deciphering
a - SplashScreen. Viewing it can be disabled in the options
c - ISO Conversion routine, now using infos retrieved from PDI header
c - the Launchbar, has been removed from the main frame and got its own frame
in the GUI, making some space for the recently added buttons
c - the options dialog to a multi page layout, making some room for the new
options added and for those that may come in the future
c - Caption of the ReGet button to 'Get', simply was to confusing for some
c - not actually to the program, but this file, reformated to 80 chars width,
to be more compilant to any text viewers
c - The way associated .ihs files are handled. When associating them through
windows to InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor, they are passed a little
diffrent and are now handled correctly
c - the .ihs association check on startup. It now detects if InstantCopy
(Hidden-) Settings Editor has been relocated and rebuilds the association
c - parsing of PDI-Sets to be more reliable, therefore more accurate use of
ISO 9660 Structures and Dependencies
f - Runtime Error 13 - Type mismatch error in PDIControl when opening a PDI-
Set containing a (S)VCD [Thnx to SpeedWolf for pointing this out]
f - a rare bug in the interface resizing code that could cut off half of the
buttons on the bottom of the GUI
f - a minor bug in the clean up code of the DirtyStateCheck which conflicted
with the execution prohibition if InstantCopy isnt installed
Enjoy the new release!
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