Instant Copy Hidden Settings Editor 1.3.0


Here's the changelog:-

InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor


a - added
f - fixed
r - removed
c - changed
n - note

V1.3.0 Dealing with Pinnacle Disc Images

n - InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor has grown far above its initial purpose,
it's getting kind of complex. Any1 in the mood of doing a help file, (.txt/.chm/.hlp)
what ever you like, for it ???

a - Detection for DVDDecrypter and a launch button for it

a - PDIControl for extraction of files and conversion to ISO
This is internal code, no external programs are needed!

Some performance Tips (these can boost performance up to 60+ %):

* Use physicly diffrent source & destination drives
* don't overwrite existing files (delete before operation)
* care for low fragmentation (DEFRAG!)

n - Forehandedly Note: when PDIControl complains about not enough free disk space, and is
telling you a diffrent amount of free space then windows, this is because you are about
to replace already existing files. The space used by them is already considered as free
in the calculation!

n - 2nd Note: Extraction Options remember their last state, for security reasons the PDIPart-
deletion does NOT! You dont want to lose PDIs by accident, do you ?

a - recognition for updated version

a - the new registry settings interduced in
use the Display menu to toggle between and the new Settings. This seemed to be
the best way to add them and still keep the 800x600 limit!

a - Detection for InstantCopy Batch Processor and a launch button for it

a - InstantCopy Batch Control for BatchOperations with InstantCopy (only available for
This is internal code, no external programs are needed!

It's main advantage over "InstantCopy Batch Processor" is that you can automaticly load and
set an InstantCopy Hidden-Settings File to your registry before a job is startet! This enables
you to use diffrent RegistryTweaks for each job in the batch!
Also there is better detection if a batch can be processed at all! Just try batching with
Pinnacles Tool when InstantCopy is already running

Also you can reorder the added jobs before processing easyly

n - USAGE:

Adding :
Step 1 > Hit the Add Button (now you are automaticly are taken through the next steps)
Step 2 > Select the source 'VIDEO_TS.IFO'
Step 3 > Give the resulting .pdi a desired path and name
Step 4 > Give the Job a name for rerecognition (usualy the DVDLabel is a good idea)
Step 5 > Choose if you want to load previously customized settings you saved before
in InstantCopy using the 'F6'-Key (new feature of
Step 6 > Choose if you want to load and set an .ihs file before the job
Step 7 > Only if you choose 'yes' before, select the .ihs file to use before starting
the job
Step 8 > Start over at Step 1 until all your jobs are added

Updating : Select the job on the JobList, edit the details in the JobDetails and hit the
Update Button (canceling a Filerequest will clear the related field)

Removing : Select the job on the JobList and hit the Remove Button

Moving : Select the job on the JobList and hit Move Up/Down Button

Do it! : hit the 'Execute...' Button

c - the DirtyFlag handling to function correctly when not all registry keys are supported
by the installed InstantCopy Version

f - a Bug in the Versionmanagement of the .ihs files, this has no effect on previous versions
of InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor since this version is the current one is the
first to change the format of the .ihs files
Phew! :eek:

mrbass is hosting it at his site here:-


Np. :)

There is also another too on his site similar to this called InstantTool that does more or less the same thing, looks interesting and has a better GUI IMO.

But the hidden settings Ed can start both DVD Decryper & Instant Copy from it's GUI which is very nice indeed. :)
Hi Laz!

you beat me on this news :)
havent been active lately!

As you may know Instant Copy Hidden Settings Editor is done by a friend of mine, who already complained that there is no feedback on his work...

so tell me, what do you like / dislike on it, and why you prefer the 'InstantTool' GUI, i'll forward it to him and see what he says!




Hi K Man,

I guess it's the use of colour in the InstantTool GUI that I like personally. It makes it much easier on the eye when certain settings stand out and the use of bigger buttons at the bottom of the interface are nice too. I'm not saying that it is a better prog because IMO it is not, IC Hidden Settings Editor has more options and being able to start either IC 7 or DVD Decrypter from within the GUI is great! :)

For me there are too many choices though button-wise at the bottom of the GUI also, maybe that could be cutdown slightly as regards saving the settings?

Well that's JM2C and others might disagree. :D

Any more opinions?
@ KMan if hes your friend please direct him here we will take him on board as part of the team here and dedicate a section in the appropriate area to his program if hes prepared to join us :)

get him so sign up and P.M. one of the admin with details and proof that he is the creator and we will do the rest :)

thanks :D

i will tell about this! and ask him to come here too!
Could not get him on the phone this weekend, but will
meet him latest on wednesday!

Going to see Matrix Reloaded :)

I am not sure but i think he will like the idea!

I Keep you informed!


thanks "KMan" im sure we (as a forum and he) will benefit from this directly with FEEDBACK from users here as a lot use INSTANT COPY :)
Heading the call

Hi All!

somebody called ? :)

So i'm here, indeed i like the idea to have some place for feedback! Since so far, actualy there has been non, not even on betanews, no reviews yet :(

O.k. thats not the total truth, recently found out that InstantCopy (Hidden-) Settings Editor made it in an article in the german computer magazin 'ct' which, i cant hide it, i'm a little proud of :)

And maybe i can finaly find some1 willing to do a help file for my prog. theres nothing worse then doing a help file for your own stuff...

I would be happy to contribute here, i know the forum still from a few years ago when i was lot more active!

Only thing i need to say in advance , rl is keeping me quite busy, so i can manage to do things regulary but daily check ins are very unlikely! :mad: So i defenetly would need some1 to back me up!

Now here i am! Hit me :)

THEN YA come to the right place bud :D:D:D

we are only to willing to test,use and abuse any program put to us to the absolute limits and post feedback thats precise and to the point ... sometimes abrubtly mind lol but .... thats how programs are made 110% better recently we have take on a few up and comming programs etc :)

"Alcoholer" & "CDburnerXp" just recently and both programs have lept forward in leaps and bounds with "Stephan-H" author of CDburnerXP busy away reprogramming and making additions already with our feedback :)

"Alcoholer" has had new addtions too and soon more :)

So joining us has to be a logical step forward :) for better things :)

Tell us Your aims and goals and other relevant info provide us with screenshots and work in progress and we will do the honours and open a dedicated section etc :)
TheMadGuy welcome and thanks for you program.:)
Yes we are all to willing to help out if we can so drop in when you have the time.


Hiya MadGuy,

I got your e-mail bud and will reply to it later answering all your questions.

Nice to see you here! :)
Hi The Mad Guy!

nice to see you made it here and already got in
contact with the guys here :)

Looking forward to tonight!

I think here you will have a chance to get some good non nonsense feedback!

People here are capable!

Enjoy your stay :)

Hi All!

1st i wanna thank you for the warm welcome!


havent received any mail from you yet!
Did it get lost on the way, or havent you written yet ?

had to think a little bout how to proof i am the developer,
i think i made up something that should work out :)
will mail it to laz l8h today!

So bout my aims and goals:

a) get it as bug free as possible, since my only beta tester dropped out, i need some pre-release testing

b) as usual add new features / improvements. Happy for any input i can get on this. For the moment i'm pretty much out of ideas :) Considering it already is far more then a settings editor, it has grown already :)

c) add a help system of any kind! As the program has grown pretty quick, with the new tools aboard i think not everything is
self explaining anymore. I need some1 to make a good help for
it. Any volunteers ???

d) collect some feedback! what do ppl (dis)like about it (which brings us back to b!)

e) make ppls life with InstantCopy easier, cause thats the major reason why this program was brought to life :)

so from what i read here and what you told me, i seem to be at the right place :) capable ppl here, so i dont expect Bug repords like 'Dont work!' :)

Work in progress: 1.3.1 is in the making, only minor changes/ additions and 2 small bugs fixed so far. But who knows :D

Thanx! you can bet i will!


Bottom Line:

If you would like me on board and provide me some help with a possible forum for my programm i would be happy to participate here :cool:



Sorry MadGuy, I've had a load of PC problems and have not been able to get onto the forum either til now.

I will e-mail you right now for sure. ;)