Instant Copy Help Reqd Plz

Hi guys

I hope i am allowed to post in this particular section.
I wanted to ask whether it is possible with Instantcopy or instant copy setting editor to force a movie which is way over 4.7 in size in a standard 4.7 dvd disk. I have tried it with instantcopy but it says that it is unable to fit onto one disk. Is there a way to adjust setting etc to overcome this? ifso , please do tell!



Do as The Poacher said, DVD2one is excellent and easy to use, full disk mode will bring the movie to 4.36Gb, quality is excellent, DVdshrink is a freeware programme and does the same job as DVD2one with on par results.


Yes Instant Copy can easily cope with this. ;)

Rip your DVD using DVD Decrypter in file mode (select *all* files) then just point IC 7 at the files. IC hidden settings editor works great with this to change certain settings and there is a great tutorial by mrbass at his site here:-

As the others said, DVD2one & DVD Shrink are both excellent progs as well for this. But for me IC7 has the edge on quality.
I also prefer Instant Copy. Trickier to master, but once getting familiar with it and the IC hidden settings hack it is the best option, quality-wise, after doing a complete re-encoding with ProCoder or CCE.
And if I was in a hurry, I would use DVDshrink (freeware) instead of DVD2one. The quality may be just a tad worse (to non-disguised), but the offered options for the rip are way richer/superior.
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thanks for that but my sony 510a writer has decided to give in! and ive only had it for 10 days!! when instand copy started writing it said came up with a big error message and now theres its not working. light flashes up on startup and thats it.