Instant Copy 8.05


Thx for news! :)

Just to add that you will need your IC8 CD to install this update and that it is not for use by those who used the IC7>IC8 upgrade. ;)
That can't be true. My update worked without any CD. And... what about the people who downloaded it??? No, that's crap what you said...
If you extract the update from the .zip file before running it you'll be asked for the IC8 CD.
If you run the update from inside the .zip you won't need the IC8 CD to install it - it won't ask.
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ingrid said:
That can't be true. My update worked without any CD. And... what about the people who downloaded it??? No, that's crap what you said...
Thank you for such kind words. lmao

I still stick to what I said after applying it to 3 XP Pro systems though, my memory despit years of alcohol abuse ain't quite that bad yet! :D
Laz, ive installed this update on a few occasions and on some it asked for the CD on other occasions it did not !! on xp pro too .
(dont know why)

both you and ingrid are right i suppose !!!!


New member
I upgraded from version 7 to 8 and have tried to upgrade to 8.05 and it keeps asking for InstantCopy.msi. I tried unzipping and running it and running it unzipped with no luck. I don't understand why they would make a upgrade and not let everyone with a legal copy upgrade. I would also like to know how to find my serial number for version 8. When I go to the website it wants me to register version 8 and ask for my serial number. I have my serial number for version 7 but not 8. It may have been in a e-mail from pinnacle (don't remember) but I think I deleted the e-mail.


New member
I look all over and finally found my serial number. I wrote it down in a note pad. I made a copy and put it with my version 7 disc.
Hi All!

Actually the upgrade requires/checks for InstantCopy.msi, depending on your installation, the previous present 'Self Healing System' copied this file on the machine and registered it on it.

So, if this file is present, the original CD is NOT required, if the file is NOT present it will ask for the CD (accessing the file there). Thats the whole story!

Hope this clears it.

Hudf said:
I tried unzipping and running it and running it unzipped with no luck.
I opened the .zip file with WinRAR and ran the update from it - maybe that's why the update worked for me when extracting and running the update didn't.


New member
Thanks cobo; WinRar worked. I was trying to do it with UltimateZip and it wouldn't work. What I did was use WinRar to extract the needed files from my 7 to 8 upgrade to a directory and pointed the 8.05 upgrade to that directory.