Instant Copy 7 messes up dvd menu


New member
I'm quite new around here, i'd just like to say the instant copy settings editor is great :) even though i only use the batch option ;-)

Anyway, I think i found a bug in IC? Here's the story...

When i backup my buffy dvd's the dvd appears to back up fine, but when i go to play it, the dvd menu is messed up.

Let me try to explain,
you see the menu background, hear the music, you can select things, but the things you select don't show up! Eg, you can push select once, then the ep1 submenu menu shows up (still, without being able to see the selections), then push select again and it'll start playing, you can move around and play other eps, but you can't see what you're selecting.

Well, i finally found out that the problem was when IC down samples the menu (mine was automatically being set to about 70%) it caused this, so i have been just manually pulling the dvd menu quality back up to 100% before letting IC do its thing.

Now i've found the Instant copy settings editor, and have become quite fond of the batch option :)
Anyway, as you can hopefully see my point will be, i can't automate the batch, since I have to drag the menu quality up to 100% for each disk.

I've looked for a 'always use 100% menu quality' or similar option, but can't fine one :(

Anyway, i was hoping :
a) someone knows how to fix the menu problem
or b) the genious who made instant copy settings editor can put the option in :)

(a) seems to be the easier option :)


Hi RaiLaN, Welcome to our forum! :cool:

sorry, i don't have knowledge in DVD backuping; please stay a little bit patient, the ICHSE experts will surely find and reply your question;

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Greetings from
RaiLaN said:
I'm quite new around here, i'd just like to say the instant copy settings editor is great :) even though i only use the batch option ;-)

Anyway, I think i found a bug in IC? Here's the story...

When i backup my buffy dvd's the dvd appears to back up fine, but when i go to play it, the dvd menu is messed up.

Let me try to explain,
you see the menu background, hear the music, you can select things, but the things you select don't show up! Eg, you can push select once, then the ep1 submenu menu shows up (still, without being able to see the selections), then push select again and it'll start playing, you can move around and play other eps, but you can't see what you're selecting.

Well, i finally found out that the problem was when IC down samples the menu (mine was automatically being set to about 70%) it caused this, so i have been just manually pulling the dvd menu quality back up to 100% before letting IC do its thing.

Now i've found the Instant copy settings editor, and have become quite fond of the batch option :)
Anyway, as you can hopefully see my point will be, i can't automate the batch, since I have to drag the menu quality up to 100% for each disk.

I've looked for a 'always use 100% menu quality' or similar option, but can't fine one :(

Anyway, i was hoping :
a) someone knows how to fix the menu problem
or b) the genious who made instant copy settings editor can put the option in :)

(a) seems to be the easier option :)


Hi RaiLaN!

i havent experienced such a problem yet, though from what you describe it seems IC indeed messes up the menu in some kind.
Could you please tell us which Version of InstantCopy 7 use ?

the solution to your problem actually is there, sadly not working in the latest IC7 release, and it seems Pinnacle has abandoned support for IC7 :( and it also seems it still doesnt work correctly on IC8 either :(

Though i didnt have a chance to test the latest IC8 yet.

If you by now own IC8 you might try this yourself.
If it works it will work like this
  1. load all discs you want to batch into instantcopy (obviously one by at a time :D)
  2. make your customizations (menu 100%)
  3. Press F6 (Saves the currently selected percentages/titles/streams for this DVD)
  4. Build the batch and select 'Autoload previos DVD customization' in BatchControl
This method presuppose pinacle finally got the loading of the saved data issue solved, as this is what doesnt work on IC7 :(

Sadly there currently is no other way setting such values on IC.

Sorry that i dont have any better news
