Increase Spped In Windows XP....

Ive done this and it BLOODY made a difference

I thougt Id share it with you guys....

This is an unique technique for XP, which could improve the performance significantly by tweaking the prefetcher (which is a cache folder).

1. run "regedit";

2. goto [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters\EnablePrefetcher];

3. Set the value to either 0-Disable, 1-App launch prefetch, 2-Boot Prefetch, 3-Both ("3" is recommended).

4. reboot.

It should decrease the boot time and the time it takes to load programs.

Regards :D
Speed up menu display

When using the start menu the you will notice a delay between different tiers of the menu hierarchy. For the fastest computer experience possible I recommend changing this value to zero. This will allow the different tiers to appear instantly.

Start Regedit....START > RUN > TYPE regedit..

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

Select MenuShowDelay from the list on the right.

Right Click on it and select Modify.

Change the value to 0

Reboot your computer.
thx 4 sharing ur tips ;) think there was a small proggie that could do the job posted here a long time ago :D
Correcting System Hang at Startup

Here is another fine tune Ive done... I think this correction was sorted on the update: Q 314862, for you who havent yet updated you can manually do it...

If your system hangs about 2 or 3 minutes at startup, where you can't access the Start button or the Taskbar, it may be due to one specific service (Background Intelligent Transfer) running in the background. Microsoft put out a patch for this but it didn't work for me. Here's what you do:

1. Click on Start/Run, type 'msconfig', then click 'OK'.
2. Go to the 'Services' tab, find the 'Background Intelligent Transfer' service, disable it, apply the changes & reboot.

Id like to share the fine tunning Ive done to my PENTIUM 3 1000mhz x2... With you guys...Enjoy
Speed up Network Browsing

There was a bug in windows 2000/windows xp that would cause the scheduled tasks folder to be searched when ever the user would browse network drives. Microsoft developed a fix for this bug. The fix fixed the problem and it also had nice side affect of speeding up browsing of Microsoft networks. Below are instructions how to apply the fix.

1. Open up regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace.
3. Find a key named {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}.
4. Right click on it and delete it.
5. Restart

Another Excellent Tweak Ive Done....Regards MOJO8850 :p:p:p

Here are a list of MY Services and what they are set to, these settings may not work for everyone and they include some third party programs, but they might help you decide what you need and do not need. FYI - my setup is a stand alone pc using a cable modem. For a little more explanation of what the Services are look:

Name............................................Startup Type


Application Layer Gateway Service...............Manual

Application Management..........................Manual

Automatic Updates...............................Disabled

Background Intelligent Transfer Service ........Disabled


COM+ Event System...............................Disabled

COM+ System Application.........................Disabled

Computer Browser................................Manual

Cryptographic Services..........................Manual

DHCP Client.....................................Automatic

Distributed Link Tracking Client................Disabled

Distributed Transaction Coordinator.............Disabled

DNS Client......................................Automatic

Error Reporting Service.........................Disabled

Event Log.......................................Automatic

Fast User Switching Compatibility...............Disabled

Help and Support................................Disabled

Human Interface Device Access...................Disabled

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service....................Disabled

Indexing Service................................Disabled


Internet Connection Firewall (ICF)/
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)...............Disabled

IPSEC Services..................................Disabled

Logical Disk Manager............................Disabled

Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service.....Disabled

Machine Debug Manager...........................Manual


MS Software Shadow Copy Provider................Disabled

Net Logon.......................................Manual

NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing...............Disabled

Network Connections.............................Manual

Network DDE.....................................Disabled

Network Location Awareness (NLA)................Manual

NT LM Security Support Provider.................Disabled

Performance Logs and Alerts.....................Disabled

Plug and Play...................................Automatic

Portable Media Serial Number....................Disabled

Print Spooler...................................Automatic

Protected Storage...............................Automatic

QoS RSVP........................................Disabled

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager...........Manual

Remote Access Connection Manager................Manual

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager.............Disabled

Remote Procedure Call (RPC).....................Automatic

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator.............Manual

Remote Registry.................................Disabled

Removable Storage...............................Disabled

Routing and Remote Access.......................Disabled

Secondary Logon.................................Disabled

Security Accounts Manager.......................Disabled

Smart Card......................................Disabled

Smart Card Helper...............................Disabled

SSDP Discovery Service..........................Disabled

System Event Notification.......................Disabled

System Restore Service..........................Disabled

Task Scheduler..................................Automatic

TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper...........................Disabled



Terminal Services...............................Disabled


Uninterpretable Power Supply....................Disabled

Universal Plug and Play Device Host.............Disabled

Upload Manager..................................Disabled

Voulume Shadow Copy.............................Disabled


Windows Audio...................................Automatic

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA).................Automatic

Windows Installer...............................Manual

Windows Management Instrumentation..............Automatic

Windows Management Instrumentation
Driver Extensions...............................Manual

Windows Time....................................Disabled

Wireless Zero Configuration.....................Disabled

WMI Performance Adapter.........................Disabled

Unload .dll's to Free Memory

Windows Explorer caches DLLs (Dynamic-Link Libraries) in memory for a period of time after the application using them has been closed. This can be an inefficient use of memory.

1. Find the key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer].

2. Create a new sub-key named 'AlwaysUnloadDLL' and set the default value to equal '1' to disable Windows caching the DLL in memory.

3. Restart Windows for the change to take effect.

I tried this after running a intense program, then watched the task manager; memory recovered it self.


Nice tweaks Mojo... thanks for sharing.

Have always loved WinXP. Very stable with a nice GUI. But it is quite the resource hog... and much of it is needlessly so. Therefore, tweaking XP has become an art form.
Turn off Indexing to speed up XP

Windows XP keeps a record of all files on the hard disk so when you do a search on the hard drive it is faster. There is a downside to this and because the computer has to index all files, it will slow down normal file commands like open, close, etc. If you do not do a whole lot of searches on your hard drive then I suggest turnning this feature off:

1. Control Panel

2. Administrative Tools

3. Services

4. Disable Indexing Services


Please Note: All these tweaks that im sharing are done on my pc....
Speed up Network Browsing

There was a bug in windows 2000 that would cause the scheduled tasks folder to be searched when ever the user would browse network drives. Microsoft developed a fix for this bug. The fix fixed the problem and it also had nice side affect of speeding up browsing of Microsoft networks. Below are instructions how to apply the fix.

1. Open up regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace.

3. Find a key named {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}.
4. Right click on it and delete it.
5. Restart
mojo8850 said:
Speed up menu display

When using the start menu the you will notice a delay between different tiers of the menu hierarchy. For the fastest computer experience possible I recommend changing this value to zero. This will allow the different tiers to appear instantly.

Start Regedit....START > RUN > TYPE regedit..

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

Select MenuShowDelay from the list on the right.

Right Click on it and select Modify.

Change the value to 0

Reboot your computer.
This works great....but you don't have to reboot...when you hit the start button. then the all programs selector bar. Bang they all pop out out you at once...great thanks.....
Last edited:
mojo8850 said:
Ive done this and it BLOODY made a difference

I thougt Id share it with you guys....

This is an unique technique for XP, which could improve the performance significantly by tweaking the prefetcher (which is a cache folder).

1. run "regedit";

2. goto [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters\EnablePrefetcher];

3. Set the value to either 0-Disable, 1-App launch prefetch, 2-Boot Prefetch, 3-Both ("3" is recommended).

4. reboot.

It should decrease the boot time and the time it takes to load programs.

Regards :D
Most xp systems are allready set to # 3
Make icons in windows appear quicker

In Windows XP everytime you open My Computer to browse folders XP automatically searches for network files and printers. This causes a delay in displaying your icons. You probably see the "default" windows icon and as you scroll it changes to the correct icon. This is how to stop that...

1. Open My Computer
2. Click on the Tools menu and select Folder Options...
3. Under Folder Options select the view tab.
4. Uncheck the very first box that reads "Automatically search for network folders and printers".
5. Click "Apply" or "OK"

You should see a dramatic increase in speed when Windows displays your icons.

Mojo8850 :D
System Settings for a Game Machine

If you are a hard core gamer then the below tweak is for you. Below are a list of windows services that we reccomend you change to the manual setting.
Start > Run > Type Msconfig > Services..

Routing and Remote Access
Application Layer Gateway Service** (only if firewll is not used)
Application Management
Background Intelligent Transfer Service
COM+ System Application
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Help and Support
IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service** (only if do you not use the cd-rw xp record suport)
IPSEC Services
Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service
MS Software Shadow Copy Provider
Net Logon
NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
Network DDE
Network DDE DSDM
Network Location Awareness (NLA)
NT LM Security Support Provider
Performance Logs and Alerts
Portable Media Serial Number
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
Remote Registry
Removable Storage
Smart Card
Smart Card Helper
SSDP Discovery Service
System Restore Service
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Universal Plug and Play Device Host
Volume Shadow Copy
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Windows Installer
Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions
Wireless Zero Configuration
WMI Performance Adapter
Fast User Switching Compatibility ** (only if fast user shiching is not used or the machine have one user only)
Protected Storage
Windows Time
Task Scheduler
Secondary Logon
Print Spooler ** (only if the pc do not have or use a printer)
Indexing Service
Error Reporting Service
Computer Browser
Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Have Fun! :D
Stripping Page File across Multiple Hard drives

This is an incredible tweak that has improved the performance of my system by leaps and bounds.

There have been lots of articles and tweaks concerning the Page File. I have tried them all, however, whilst researching articles for work, I came across this tweak directly from Microsoft that has been the best improver of my system performance.

If you have two or more hard drives, especially if they reside on separate IDE channels, it is possible to Strip the Page File across these two drives. Windows XP has code within it that will enable a RAID-Type Stripping. Therefore, Windows XP will through its internal algorithms place information in the separate drives. By accessing both of the Drives at the same time to read/write information, Windows XP will considerably improve its performance!

Simply go to System Properties > Advanced > Performance > Settings > Virtual Memory and assign the page file a size on each drive.

The way I did mine is as follows:

I have two hard drives each formatted with two partitions each. Hence I have a total of 4 Partitions being displayed. On my secondary HD, I created the first Partition and called it my SWAP. Since I have 512 MB of RAM, I created the partition with 1.5 GB. On this partition, I assigned the Swap File of 764 - 1500 MB. On the Primary Partition which Contains my Operating System, I also have a swap file of the same 764-1500 MB.

Try this out my friends. I guarantee you will be impressed with the results. As a comparison, when I had a single partition, one application used to suck 100% of my cpu cycles and my swap file usage jumped way high. Ever since I started the page file stripping, that very same application sucks only 5% CPU cycles!