I knew this would be a bastard . I have XP Pro , SP2 , and ive had Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum on my PC for about a year . I would like to change to Nero which i have just spent £30 on . My problem is after uninstalling Easy Cd Creator and trying to install InCd the whole system crashes to the blue screen of death !!! It said something about a problem with the UDF reader .I then have to go in via safe mode and uninstall INCD . I have visited several forums but cant seem to find the definative solution . Is the UDF reader both common and compatible with both Roxio and Ahead software (Nero) ?? Is there a way to completely get rid of the roxio UDF reader which i think is causing me all the problems ?? I know someone must have gone through this at some stage and some help would be greatly appreciated . All i want is Roxio gone and Nero plus InCD in its place. Cheers guys , Steve , Plymouth UK