Impossible to do the 8 to 8.05 upgrade!!!!


New member
Does anybody know what to do to install this patch, PLEASE??? I purchased my software from Pinnacle "IC8" and there is a upgrade patch to 8.0.5 and i CAN NOT get it to install for the life of me. I have read ALL posts on the pinnacle discussion boards -a joke- pertaining to this problem and it is just pulling me in circles.

getting the error message that says;

"The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer because the program to be upgraded my be missing or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. erify that the program to be updated exists on your computer and that you have the correct patch"

I have the retail version 8 for instant copy. IT IS THE correct version. HELP ME I CAN"t TAKE IT ANYMORE Please!!! Sorry I am hyaving a bad day!!
Is it the standalone version that you have?
Because if you have the whole retail InstantCd-Dvd suite,the patch won't work,even if you only installed InstantCopy and left the rest of it out....

Check also the version number you have,if it's 8.00.270,you already have the latest,patch 8.05 updates to that version number..

Pinnacle said:
Does NOT work with CD/DVD 6.x or 7 or 8 or old InstantCopy8 Try&Buy (Demo)

Works only with InstantCopy 8 (stand alone)
So please double check, though you have a retail IC it obeys to these rules, if so, check that you are logged in on the same account that you used to install instantcopy initialy.

If that also doesnt help, there is a rare chance a file might have been corrupted, try uninstalling InstantCopy - Reboot - ReInstall - Reboot - Apply patch.

Hope this helps
