Important News

I dont know if many people are aware but nintendo is about to be fined by the european union for using its monopoly position to force european customers to pay too much for its games, now whilst this is slightlly bad news for nintendo its the subtext that is more interesting.

$ony and m$ were noot prosicuted for the same thing because it is possible to import their games from overseas and play them on a pal console because they have been hacked and modchips can be fitted to allow this.

Basicly this means that under european law (which overrides uk laws) modchips will become not only legal, but infact for future consoles they will be compulsory to allow the playing of any imported game. the down side is that companies may choose to release totaly different consoles in different regions, but in the meantime the way is clear for companies to openly develop and sell modchips for all current consoles and furthermore in theory those modchip companies who were forced to close or to change their business could now sue the companies responsible for the restraint of trade.

this realy could be a landmark ruling for console users throught europe as it moves into line with australia and several other countries are also looking into the cumpulsory removal of region coding not only for consoles but also dvd players and dvd movies.

big business will not be pleased :D

there are a couple of possible problems however, microsoft could opt to do what they are threatening to do in australia and remove their consoles from sale (in their attempts to preasure the australian government to do what m$ wants) and of course the eu can usualy find a way to screw its citizens in one way or another so expect a sudden fudge law to cover their backs.
@ abcman its a known fact that psx mod chipping isnt the illegal issue :) its the by-product of it allowing copied games thats been a problem with sony :( some chip makers even figured a way to allow imports to be played and not copies :)

you can still buy a legally modded NET YAROTZE psx for development purposes direct from sony that allows copies and imports to be played lol crazy eh !?

but thats sony for ya !!!....

Incidentally the actual copy breach of psx games is the blue disclaimer writing part when a playstation game loads and the psx logo its self thats displayed when the game loads not the game its self !? oddly enuff !? lol :)

its funny how ya find these things out when you know a few who have done time for it lol !! :)
ABCman.. what phucking drug are you on (no offense just think your making it up)!!! seriously all reports have said nothing about your statement.. its got nothing to do with modchips whats so ever.. If nintendo have successful disallowed modchiping of the gamecube system due to the design of the system and the media used then all merits got to them.. I do agree on the over pricing of the games.. but thats the only thing!!..

would you like to backup your statement and point us to a link that shows that what your saying is correct.. nintendo being used because they disallow modships where other consoles have..

last statement (towards bottom) has spelling mistakes!! because im ya average aussie who can't type.. HAHAHHA
lol somewhere in the vast ruling document it says that nintendo broke european law by using its lockout to prevent paralel importation of cheaper products from abroad, the official statement was that nintendo were selling cheaper in th uk than the rest of europe, however, the pal games work in all the european countries so paralel imports are only blocked from overseas. also think of the fact thet sony and m$ have exactly the same price structures but they didnt get busted, why? is there a way that allows you to paralel import a cheaper game from overseas? what is that way?

oh and as for what drugs, just the usual ones ;) caffine, nicotine (lots), thc ;) & tannin + my perscription dihydrocodine and tamezapam for what its worth.