Im Confused


New member
ive got a movie that is one 4.4gb file
that has the ext of .file
ive been told to change the ext to .iso or .img
but when i do my burning software does not understand it
can anyone help?
depending if you have windows xp or 98

for XP you need to open a folder and goto tools/folder options click the VIEW tab then look for the HIDE file extensions check box and un check( remove the tick) in the box click ok/apply (see attached image)

then close that box find your file and rename the extension to .img or .iso then burn using DVD DECRYPTER in file mode browse for you file and burn :)

just make sure you only have the ONE extension and not given it two for example filename.file.iso



I'd rename it to ISO as Viper explains above, then just open it up in ISOBuster to see whats in there. You could even extract the VIDEO_TS folder and just burn out with Nero in Video-DVD mode.
yeah good thinkin chickenman .... that may also save a wasted disk for all we know it could of been a renamed zip of a load of rubbish files !? thats the problems with downloading files you never quite know what you are going to get !? :(