Ikea's help-desk assistant doesn't want to hear about your divorce

Anna, at Ikea's help desk, isn't dating yet

June 22, 2005 IKEAVAR0622.BAR
Anna, Ikea's help desk assistant, is perky and pretty, with a rusty-brown shag haircut and deep blue eyes that she flashes coyly as she answers questions. Anna is also fake. She is Ikea's animated online employee. Want to talk to Anna? Go to www.ikea.com/ms/en_US/customer_service/splash.html, type a question, and she's more than happy to answer.

Sort of.

After my Ikea ordeal, I turned to Anna for advice.

Me: Hi, Anna. Will Ikea assemble bookcases?

Anna: Here, you can see the Ikea 2005 calendar.

Me: But I need help with my bookcases. I'm frustrated.

Anna: At most times, Ikea catalogs are available at Ikea stores, free of charge. To get more information on ordering a catalog, please see the Web page that's opening now.

Me: But assembling my bookcase is making me insane. My wife wants a divorce.

Anna: Please have a look at the bookcases.

Me: My wife is leaving me.

Anna: The most important people in the world deserve furnishings made just for them. You'll find plenty of colorful, playful products for kids' rooms. And of course, lots and lots for the whole family.

Me: We don't have kids. Did I mention my wife wants a divorce?

Anna: I'm sorry, but that's not a subject that I can discuss. My job is just to talk about Ikea.

Me: Fair enough. Do you think Americans should get as many holidays as Swedish people?

Anna: Lots of people like to travel, but that's not why I'm here. My job is to talk about Ikea.

Me: My wife left me. What are you doing tonight?

Anna: I don't know the answer to that question yet, I'm sorry. Please contact your local Ikea store for help.

Me: Thanks. You are very pretty.

Anna: You are perfectly entitled to hold any opinion you want of me. Furthermore, your comments improve my knowledge base. Thank you.

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I tried similar questions and yep, she's not the brightest bulb. Only so many responses can be programed into her wee little head I suppose. Oh well, she's just 2-dimensional anyways. :D


VIPER_1069 said:
shssssssssssssssh dont spoil the ILLUSION inside PC-GUY'S head lol :p :)

Let's just hope he doesn't start talking to his smileys. He's sure got a lot of them. :D