Ideazon Zboard Gaming 2-Tone Wired Keyboard


PC-GUY said:
Come on no one, dx?:(
I've seem them at Fry's Electronics. Seems to be a great concept, but you have to keep purchasing modules for newer more popular games... making it expensive (modules are $20 as I remember). I mean $40 for the keyboard and 3 modules is $100... that's expensive! But is you purchased the Doom 3 or Halo module and liked it... I'm sure you could use it for all First Person Shooters. World of Warcraft module for strategy games, etc.

The build quality was pretty good. Read the reviews at NewEgg... pretty highly recommended. The only thing I would worry about (besides the price), is the company going under or discontinuing the product leaving you out in the cold when the latest games come out.

EDIT: modules are indeed $20/each. Just look in the right window on that page. ;)