ICHSE, with IC8.0.0.270 (Please Help??)


New member
Thanks for you help.

If this is Madguy. first off, I'd like to say that you are very admirable for making such a killer program!!! I am sort of computer savvy, but there is no way in hell I could have come up with something like this.

i am still kind of new at this backup stuff, but have been reading all the forum sites, (Doom9, this one, and others).

Maybe you can help me out (of someone for that matter).

I just bought the retail version...IC8 and have updated (now using

Now here is the question... is this update supported with the ICHSE??? And if so, I don't think I can get it to work. If I undrestand correctly, the editor should let me remove things in the title sets that I don't want. I can remove them, but I can't resize them??? Something is wrong.

Also, I can't preview the video either, if I click under the preview tab to see what exactly that title is.

Please someone help me out, as I am losing all my hair over this, and my girlfriend is getting tired of looking at the back of my head, and chair.

Thanks in advance!!!!
Hi johnnywalker, Welcome to our forum! :)

according to the ICHSE version history IC is currently still unsupported: http://www.dvdrbase.com/showthread.php?t=34244
please stay a little bit patient TheMadGuy is in Christmas/New Year holidays, i'm sure he like to implement .270 support as fast as possible;

we would be glad, if you like to introduce yourself here: http://www.dvdrbase.com/forumdisplay.php?f=141

and please read our forum rules : http://www.dvdrbase.com/forumdisplay.php?f=58

also try the forum's search function: http://www.dvdrbase.com/search.php?
a Happy New Year from
johnnywalker said:
If I undrestand correctly, the editor should let me remove things in the title sets that I don't want. I can remove them, but I can't resize them??? Something is wrong.
Also, I can't preview the video either, if I click under the preview tab to see what exactly that title is.
i have no knowledge in DVD backuping but maybe this is what you like to know: http://www.dvdrbase.com/showthread.php?p=203373


New member
Duracell said:
i have no knowledge in DVD backuping but maybe this is what you like to know: http://www.dvdrbase.com/showthread.php?p=203373

Thanks for the reply.

I see that the version of IC8 that I am using is not supported. No big deal...I'll live.

But I am reading that IC does have it's fair share of problems and bugs!!! You'd think that a program that was commercial and $50.00 would work better that the others, and that may not be the case with all the little and sometimes frustrating problems that it has.

Hope you have a nice new year!!

BTW...what are you using to copy your movies??


New member
Duracell said:
simply nothing; :D
i'm an "Audio only" burner, don't have a DVD standalone, no DVD-RW nor a DVD-ROM;

Thanks for the help!!!

But here is the next problem...Hope you can help me or point me in the right direction.

After I transcode with Instant Copy, I have 5 PDI Files?? Now, I know that I have read that you can burn these with either IC or burn with DVD Decrypter. Now, I'm not that big of a fool, but when I try to burn the files, I can only burn one at a time?? How can I combine the files to then burn all at once??

If I only burn one file at a time, the DVD will close??

Thanks for your help...
like i said, i have no knowledge in DVD stuff;
but i think PDIs are disc images, so you can only burn one image at a disc;

let's hope an expert will find your question; if you don't get a related reply in 2-3 days, then start a new topig in <this rubric> please;
johnnywalker said:

Thanks for the help!!!

But here is the next problem...Hope you can help me or point me in the right direction.

After I transcode with Instant Copy, I have 5 PDI Files?? Now, I know that I have read that you can burn these with either IC or burn with DVD Decrypter. Now, I'm not that big of a fool, but when I try to burn the files, I can only burn one at a time?? How can I combine the files to then burn all at once??

If I only burn one file at a time, the DVD will close??

Thanks for your help...
Just load the 1st one in DVD decrypter, also,have a look at these guides:
Take a look into the mirror and say "D'OH" to yourself... ;-))

If you'd like to burn the image with IC, you choose the one with the suffix ".pdi", all other parts are processed automatically. Pinnacle is splitting their images to 1GB-bits to avoid incompatibilities with old filesystems and/or network-protocols. That's a bit ancient, but who cares.

If you absolutely don't like to burn with IC, just use the Tool "PDIControl" in ICHSE or press CTRL+P. There you can convert your PDI to ISO. Here you also choose the first, the ".PDI".file. BTW, there are other tools available who do the same.

And... althoug it is not officially supported, IC V270 works perfect with ICHSE 1.4.2, just ignore the warning. In the next version of ICHSE the new version number will be in the records, nothing else will change. Only cosmetic things.
ingrid said:
And... althoug it is not officially supported, IC V270 works perfect with ICHSE 1.4.2, just ignore the warning. In the next version of ICHSE the new version number will be in the records, nothing else will change. Only cosmetic things.
in this case this is (almost) correct, pinnacle didnt add any new 'hidden' features to and nothing else was changed that would require major modifications.
In general, if there are no big changes by pinnacle, older versions of InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor supports newer versions.
But this only applies aslong there are no greater changes on pinnacles side, thats why the warning pops up to make it clear that its uncertain if everything works like it should!
