ICE AGE movie extras problems, pls help!!

OK, I've sucessfully ripped the DVD vob files onto my HD, prepare the project files within DVD2AVI 1.76/1.82, then finally TMPGENC.

Everything went well for the main movie parts, but when trying to do the same thing for the movie extras - NO AUDIO Files, just *.d2v (DVD2AVI) vdeo only?? Does anyone knows why or have any solurtions please.

VTS-03_1 to VTS-03_4 (over 3Gb)
VTS-04_1 (200mb)

I've tried Vidomi 0.469 & BeSweet 0.699 Gui (Besweet 0.58), but to no avail.

PLEASE PLEASE help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NB: I've played the above EXTRAS vob files with WinDVD, and everything are fine (sound & vid).
As I've said before, get rid of DVD2AVI ver 1.82, nothing but audio problems with it.

So you have 2 set of VOB files :




The first group I assume is the movie and the VTS-04_1 is the extras your talking about?

Also as I've said, when you ripped that file to HD with smart ripper, look in StreamProcessing and see what Audio channels it has and type. If its MPA or DTS, then DVD2AVI cannot convert it to a WAV file. Set the option to Demux and you will end up with a ******.mpa file and just use that file for Audio in TMPGenc. Amke sure you also have the correct Audio channel seleted in DVD2AVI else you will get nothing!

Hi Folks! OK I've usually rupped the DVD vob files using smartripper 2.41 in "File Mode" (in this case, I didn't check the "Streaming Process to see what type of audio these vob files are).

Onto DVD2AVI 1.76, "AUDIO" settings, Dolby Digital = Demux all tracks, this gives me AC3 audio format (as the other 2 setting leave without an audio file?). In MPEG Audio = demux all tracks.

I've included a jpg file to let you all see what the vob files are & what project & audio files are representing.

As u can see the movie parts are VTS 01-series, XTRAS are VTS 03-series and VTS 04-series.

NB: Does anyone know what s/w is best for converting AC3 audio into mp3/wav PLEASE?
Hi Folks! OK I've usually rupped the DVD vob files using smartripper 2.41 in "File Mode" (in this case, I didn't check the "Streaming Process to see what type of audio these vob files are).

Onto DVD2AVI 1.76, "AUDIO" settings, Dolby Digital = Demux all tracks, this gives me AC3 audio format (as the other 2 setting leave without an audio file?). In MPEG Audio = demux all tracks.

I've included a jpg file to let you all see what the vob files are & what project & audio files are representing.

As u can see the movie parts are VTS 01-series, XTRAS are VTS 03-series and VTS 04-series.

NB: Does anyone know what s/w is best for converting AC3 audio into mp3/wav PLEASE?


You can use Sonic Foundry - Soft Encode (dolby digital 5.1) but it needs about an hour and more ... and you must have a lot of free disk space. But for me, it has better results!


HeadAC3he 0.23a to convert from AC3 to MP3 or other formats and back & forth.

Easy to use and fast enough (10-30min) depending on length of film.

Choice is really upto you. As you can see many people use different tools. Give each a try to see which you like best.
OK I've sucessfully convert AC3 to WAV using BeSweet (thx CM), my problem now lies in converting either a single or a series of VOB file into an audio files (AC3/WAV/others). Does ne1 knows which prog will allow me to do that PLEASE?
Other than DVD2AVI. I think BeSweet will allow me to do this as a single to VOB file into either WAV/Mp3/AC3, but I don't know why but it doesn't seem to work for me?? Have ne1 successfully converted vob into audio file using besweet?? Pls explain what plugin (if reqd) or how to go about using besweet pls for this tyope of conversion, thanks.
In SmartRipper/ Settings make sure Make List - file is ticked (it is by default) and load that as your source of VOB files, it will then load all the VOBs of that group and treat as one.
CM, I am afraid I don't have the ICE AGE DVD at present, jus t the ripped VOB files (as shown above attchmnt). So doin anything with these VOB using Smartripper is out the question? Therefore my only solution is trying to find a s/w that will either convert a single VOB or a lump of VOB into an audio file, can you still help please?
Yes, vStrip can load in all the vob file, select output to demux, tick the Audio track you want anf then GO. You need the GUI for vStrip as well. Get them both from download page.
Sorry for the delay in following up the post (as I was trying figuring out how to various program).

First of all, many thanks to CM for your guidance. I dload vstrip and extract the ac3 file out of the trouble-some VOB files. Then use Besweet to convert these ac3 files to wav format, and hence tMPENC to finish the final step. I couldn't have done it without your help, many thanks again.
