I may be a muppet but this experience may help others

Once upon a time I had a PC, it was an Athlon based system which had an MSI mainboard. It always threw wobblers, when I installed windows 2000/XP it would throw a "driver IRQL not less or equal" BSOD during the installer. Windows froze, Linux froze, it really hated me or somthing. After deciding it was too unreliable for my UNI work, I upgreaded. Ripped out the unholy trinity (m'board, CPU, RAM) and I then had a nice P4 system with an ASUS board and some crucial RAM (no more generics thank you very much indeedey).

All was good, that is until I remembered that it became a little bit more reliable when I switched off the neon light (system had a neon light, DVD, CDRW and 2 HDDs)

My brain started to get to work and I thought that it may be a power thing. So I decided to purchase a new case with a 400W PSU (last one was about 300). I plugged it all in (and suffered a masacre to my finger courtesy of a razer sharp drive bay while removing a face-plate) and set about installing W2K, waiting for the BSOD as always happens. Nothing happened, it installed perfectly. I left it running for about a day, no BSOD, no freeze, it works.

So at a cost of a large lasceration with a slither of yelliw fat deep down (and much cursing) along with the £400 on new parts, I now have 2 systems.

So here is the thing, the old dodgey PSU has a new home in my folks dinosaur Celeron (466MHz and winxp) and it runs fine. Now I am thinking that this is how my 200MHz cyrix system dies a few years back.

Has anyone had this apparent problem with power before?
(And can anyone mention the worst assualt they have ever suffered at the hands of a computer chasis?)
Yep i have sliced me hands on them sharp backing plates, it not fun, i also had my PSU die on me the 2 nights before i was to have cable internet fitted, cue a cry for help to a pal who i gave money to get me a new case (the shop said the PSU would cost £35, but a new case with a PSU would be £30, i went with the latter, the night before the cable guy was gonna turn up ment me ripping out mobo & stuff & putting them in new case, when he turned up the next morning, he said U look knackered m8, when i told him why, we both couldnt help but laugh :)

BaNzI :D