I have a weird problem with somethin called EMEA


New member
Hi, I bought a copy of Prince of Persia, the Sands of Time. I've done a backup (my cdrom drive tends to break cds) but the problem comes when I try to install the backup. I don't know why, but at the end of the second cd i receive an error message of something called EMEA register. It says that there is an invalid parameter in the ??????.dll.

Any clues??

Sounds like bad burn. Usually the problem with a copy protected cd is with running the game not installing it.

Btw, what burner and what proggy did you use to make your copy?

This game is protected with the latest safedisc version (v. 3.15.10) and only a limited number of drives acapable of making a working copy anyway.


New member
Shit. I was expecting something like that. I used Nere 5.5.?, but maybe with clone CD the copy will run, now that i know what protection the game has. So, thanx for the help.

Anyway, is there a posibility to "fix" the copy? I ask because my f****** brother has taken the original (he lives with my parents) and i will not see him for another week.

I know, i know, i should try the copy first. The problem is that my brother has taken the game without my permission. AAARRRRRGH!!!

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