I cannot play backups on my computer


New member
Hi !
I am very new and I don't know if posting here I am doing the right thing...
I Have a problem with DVDxcopy Platinum:
I can backup my original DVD's all right without the slightest problem.
However I cannot play them (Backups) on my computer (XP Home Edition), although
originals are playing perfectly allright...
PowerDVD, BSplayer Or Windows Media Player just stop and I have to close them down..

My knowledge is very basic and any help will be highly appreciated..


P.S. I Forgot to mention that my backups are playing all right on my dvd player. Also I Thing it's interesting to mention that the DVDxcopy Platinum
is also unable to backup the backups...
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Hi Solomos, Welcome to our forum! :cool:

sounds like the usual media compatibility problem; your writer may burn your media brand, but is incapable to read after burning; use quality media recommended by your DVD writer fabricator and slow down the burning speed;

we would be glad, if you like to introduce yourself here: http://www.dvdrbase.com/forumdisplay.php?f=141

and please read our forum rules : http://dvdrbase.com/showthread.php?t=5446

also try the forum's search function: http://www.dvdrbase.com/search.php?
Greetings from