how to extract .img files to video?

i dl this music video which is a huge .img file (4.5 gig); what's the best/easiest way to convert it to an avi or mpg file or even burn it to svcd if i have to?

i installed isobuster to try to convert it to a raw bin file and then may be extract it to mpg via vcdgear but during the conversion in isobuster, it had a bad sector but it still produced a bin file (but without any cue), so what do i do next ?

please help
ok, that .img file was an image of a dvdr so i used isobuster and extracted the vobs off of it successfully and can view them via windvd; but how can i convert (if possible) that vob to xvid or divx so that it won't take up 5 gigs of space on my hd?
thanks bertieg,

yes, i figured that out from browsing the tutorial and did use chickenman's tut to convert from VOB's to divx, but I couldnt' find any tut for conversion to xvid (which seems to be more popular recently, and i dont know whether xvid is better quality than divx or not).