How to create a menu button to enable/disable options

How to create a menu button to enable/disable subtile or audio in ReelDVD?
I want to make a very simple menu that allows me to choose my subtitles or audio. I already created the menu, but i don't know how to assing the functions to the buttons.

Thank you

The menu should be something like this:

1- Sub on
2- Sub off

3 Set subtitle

4 - Set audio

Your other post is history no multiple posts >>> please read the Rulez >>> Tnx >>> joripe

Must reqister. Need log in. Is Free. You can find out a lot of answer under Reel DVD section.
Have a look at this site.


A quote from the site

"This tutorial was created to try and help new ReelDVD users understand the steps needed to create a DVD title with ReelDVD"