how to burn dvd to vcd?????

what up new to all this dvd burning some of yall help a brother out? i just downloaded "dvd shrink 3.0 beta 5" question do i use it?
....when i put a dvd in n try it says "dvd shrink encounter an error....failed to open file.......the reason is:the system cannot find the file specified" whats wrong? my has it that dvd fine with his pc!! then.....i downloaded "smartripper 2.41" it says.."no aspi adaptor" i have no idea what the hell that is. can some one help???

ps...just bought brand new dvd burner "liteon"


I don't think the ASPI adapter is required, but it helps SmartRipper recognise the DVD quickly. Are you running XP? If so - XP doesn't come with the ASPI adapter, this is why the error comes up. From memory, if you install Nero, it also installs ASPI.

You can also get an ASPI .dll from here (direct download link). Install it (cut and paste) into the directory where you've got SmartRipper installed.

To help SmartRipper recognize the DVD without installing an ASPI adapter, try playing the DVD for about a minute, then attempt to rip it.

I think the "the system cannot find the file specified" error that pops up with DVD Shrink is related to the ASPI adapter missing also.