how many films can you put onto a dvdr


New member
hi i would like to know how many films you can fit onto 1 dvdr
lets say i got 2 mpeg video files and 2 avi files
and the size is under 4.7gb
will it work on a dvdr or do i have to convert them etc please advise
what software should i use
thanks in advance
U can burn the mpeg & avi to DVDR as data they will play on your pc as is if they were on a CDR <<>> but to make a DVD U will have to encode/author etc <<>> check out the excellent Tutorials on the forum on how to do that!!!


New member
some more help please

ok i have just manged to burn films to cdr
(i managed to convert them from say avi or mpeg to svcd i done this using (magic video batch convertor and using a burn program called NTI CD & DVD-Maker Platinum Trial)
my next question is in 2 parts

what do i do when i cant convert a avi or mpeg file to svcd because it is over 800mb what programs will i have to use etc.

and then the next one is avi and mpg files to dvdr
how many films can fit onto a dvdr
example 3 times 850mb movies can that be done
what software to use i downloaded dvd lab and have the guide saved on my pc
but i also have tmpeg enc and tmpeg dvd author and nero vision express 2 which everyone seems to hate but i like the look of it.

i hope you can help me or point into the right direction
thanks 4 all your help