How does vidomi compare to gknot?

I pretty much only use gordianknot and I find it extremely easy to use and it gives me great results.
But I've also heard vidomi recomended by some other members and was thinking about trying it out for the simple fact that it supports distributed computing. However I love the quality I get with gknot and wonder if it would be the same with vidomi.

Here is what I normally encode at;
I use divx 5.02 pro
mp3 @ 128kbps
And I use DVD rips as my source and 700MB as my output size(for 1 cd rips of course).
I have not used gordianknot . But I have encoded several ripped dvd's using Vidomi. I like the ease of use of Vidomi but quality of the finished movie is variable. I use the same parameters as you.
I can only say that GKnot really uses nandub for most of its work.
It is great if you are using titles with subtitles. However if you don't need the subtitles, then vidomi is simpler to configure and you will get just as good (if not better) results.
Only stick I have with vidomi is the subtitles issue. More often than not it won't work for me lol, so I just use nandub instead (without Gknot, 'cause all Gknot does is gives you parameters *which I already know*).
Well I just found out that the distributed computing has one flaw with it, since each system is working on it's own "job" the movie isn't optimized as it would be if it were all one job.
I don't follow you ivwshane?

GK doesn't do all one job, it uses several tools integrated into one package, but still uses several different jobs & tasks to do the encoding.
Vidomi is more of a all in 1, other than having to rip the DVD files (which you do with the one of your choice : smartripper, cladDVD, etc).
Only major difference is that GK will show you the parameters/settings for exactly the output you want in a more visual style (can help if you don't know about bitrates & frame sizes optimal for your bitrate). If you know those already though, then no need for it. Just set the frame size (if you do not wish to keep the original DVD size) and max bitrate (& low bitrate if needed) along with size you wish to achieve.

It all goes down to preferences and what you like.
Personally I think people should set a rule as to the frame sizes and bitrates & audio codecs used. This would stop a lot of crappy files being put out there... but let's not get ahead of the topic lol.
gordianknot how to use it the right way 4 those of you who think this app is to simple or complicated please go to and read the guides by this guy. i promise you won`t be disappointed by the results.
I agree, the doom9 guides are better, but some people get better insight or understanding from others so the more the better.

as for the results, they are the exact same when using just nandub (maybe 'cause GK encodes with it) as long as you put in proper parameters, but as ivwshane mentions, GK makes it simpler with a good front end. So does vidomi though (using CM's tuts).

Have fun encoding.

CM pointed out in other thread that nandub has been updated =) yay!