How do you play asf files?


New member

Cant find anything on the forum search for this.
I have a file which has the extension .avi.tcf.asf.
I tried to play in media player and it informed me of certain protections and that I must d/l a licence which I did.
When I try and load it, the media player states it is opening the media but it never does. I've tried a couple of demo d/l's which say they can read these file types but as yet nothing has managed it.
Can anyone help?


New member
Thx for the info CM but the d/l sites either dont exist or require authentication.
I'll try a search on google.

My guess here would be to remove the last 2 extensions .tcf.asf and leave it with a plain .avi and try that :)

My other thought here is that usually files with a .tcf extension somewhere in the tag are usually regarded as not legal as tcf are a release group that releases illegal material :(


New member
Thx for the reply.

1) I can d/l the asf tools but it just keeps asking if I have renamed it.
2) If it's illegal I don't want it.
Thx again
Jola said:
Thx for the reply.

1) I can d/l the asf tools but it just keeps asking if I have renamed it.
2) If it's illegal I don't want it.
Thx again
Errr,there`s nothing illegal on this site,Jola.... :)


New member
I wasn't referring to the site, I was referring to my file! :)
Anyway I thought I'd give it a go and I eventually got the asf program and tried to convert the file to avi. The original size of the avi/asf (is that a normal format?) was 800mb approx. The asf to avi conversion failed at 162mb with the error "no video stream found in the file" but the difference between the original and the converted could be the video part - 638 mb (or not?).
If the video is there but not being recognised, is it possible to retrieve it?
Another solution is to get an old copy of VirtualDUB, ver 1.3 or 1.4 that supports asf files. You can get it from download section. Then set video compression to divx, then hit Save AVI. It then should convert it to a DivX with the original audio intact.